Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 6.djvu/772

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764 Recent American Publications. [December. The Housekeeper's Encyclopedia of Useful Information for the Housekeeper in all Branch- es of Cooking and Domestic Economy. By Mrs. E. F. Haskell. New York. D. Apple- ton & Co. 12mo. pp. 245. $1.25. The War-Tiger; or, Adventures and Won- derful Fortunes of the Young Sea- Chief and his Last Chow. A Tale of the Conquests of China. By William Dalton. New York. W. A. Townsend Co. 16mo. pp. 340. 75 cts. The White Elephant; or, The Hunters of Ava and the King of the Golden Foot. By William Dalton. New York. W. A. Towns- end & Co. 16mo. pp. 374. 75 cts. Famous Boys, and how they became Great Men. Dedicated to Youths and Young Men, as a Stimulus to Earnest Living. New York. W. A. Townsend & Co. 16mo. pp. 300. 75 cts. Life of Columbus. By Washington Irving. New Illustrated Edition. Vol. I. New York. G. P. Putnam & Co. 12mo. pp. 261. $1.50. A Year with Maggie and Emma. A True Story. Edited by Maria J. Mclntosh. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 18mo. pp. 137. 60 cts. Notes on the Parables of our Lord. By Richard C. Trench. Condensed. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 288. $1.00. Wa-Wa- Wanda. A Legend of Old Orange. New York. Kudd & Carleton. 12mo. pp. 180. $1.00. The Prince's Ball. A Brochure from "Van- ity Fair." By Edmund C. Stedman. New York. Rudd & Carleton. pp. 63. 50 cts. The Red-Skins; or, Indian and Ingin; be- ing the Conclusion of the " Littlepage Man- uscripts." By J. Fenimore Cooper. Illus- trated from Drawings by Darley. New York. W. A. Townsend & Co. 12mo. pp. 536. $1.50. Life and Religion of the Hindoos. With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of the Au- thor, J. C. Gangooly. Boston. Crosby, Nich- ols, Lee, & Co. -l,6mo. pp. 306. $1.00. Rosemary; or, Life and Death. By J. Vin- cent Huntington. New York. D. & J. Sad- lier & Co. 12mo. pp. 522. $1.25. The King of the Mountains. From the French of Edmond About. By Mary L. Booth. With an Introduction by Epes Sargent. Boston. J. E. Tilton & Co. IGmo. pp. 3QO. $1.00. A Forest Hymn. By William Cullen Bry*- ant. Illustrated. New York. W. A. Towns- end & Co. 8vo. pp. 32. $3.00. The Great Preparation; or, Redemption draweth nigh. By Rev. John Summing, D. D. First Series. New York. Rudd & Carleton. 12mo. pp. 258. $1.00. The Moral History of Women. From the French of Ernest Legouvd. Translated by J. W: Palmer, M. D. New York. Rudd & Carle- ton. 12mo. pp. 343. $1.00. May Coverley, the Young Dressmaker. Bos> ton. J. E. Tilton & Co. 18mo. pp. 258. 75 cts. Paul Blake; or, The Story of a Boy's Perils in the Islands of Corsica and Monte Christo, By Alfred Elwes. New York. Thomson Brothers. 18mo. pp. 383. 75 cts. Little by Little; or, The Cruise of the Fly- away. A Story for Young Folks. By Oliver Optic. Boston. Crosby, Nichols, Lee, & Co. 18mo. pp. 280. 63 cts. Logic in Theology, and other Essays. By Isaac Taylor. With a Sketch of the Life of the Author, and a Catalogue of his Writings, New York. William Gowans. 12mo. pp. 297. $1.25. The Illustrated Annual Register of Rural Affairs, for 1861. Albany. Luther Tucker & Son. 12mo. paper, pp. 124. 25 cts. Harrington. A Story of True Love. By the Author of " What Cheer," etc. Boston. Thayer & Eldridge. 12mo. pp. 556. $1.25. Analysis of the Cartoons of Raphael. New York. Charles B. Norton. 16mo. pp. 141. 75 cts. Home Ballads and Poems. By John Greets leaf Whittier. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 16mo. pp. 207. 75 cts. Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the Fine Arts. By Mrs. Jameson. Boston. Ticknor &. Fields. 32mo. Blue and Gold, pp. 483. 75 cts. D