Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 8.djvu/782

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Recent American Publications. [December. Essays. By the late George Brimley, M.A., Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. With an Introduction by R. H. Stoddard. New York. Eudd & Carleton. 12mo. pp. 409. $1.25. The Cloister and the Hearth ; or, Maid, Wife, and Widow. A Matter-of-Fact Romance. By Charles Reade. New York. Rudd & Carle- ton. 8vo. pp. 256. $1.00. The Last Travels of Ida Pfeiffer: Inclusive of a Visit to Madagascar. With an Auto- biographical Introduction. Translated by H. W.Dulcken. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 281. $1.25. Patriotic and Heroic Eloquence : A Book for the Patriot, Statesman, and Student. New York. J. G. Gregory. 12mo. pp. 264. 75 cts. . Great Expectations. By Charles Dickens. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 8vo. paper, pp. 168. 25 cts. - Deep-Sea Soundings and Explorations of the Bottom : or, The Ultimate Analysis of Hu- man Knowledge. By A. B. Johnson. Print- ed for Private Distribution. 16mo. pp. 78. The Armies of Europe: Comprising Descrip- tions in Detail of the Military Systems of Eng- land, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sardinia, adapting their Advantages to all Arms of the United States Service ; and em- bodying the Report of Observations in Europe during the Crimean War, as Military Commis- sioner from the United States Government in 1855-56. By George B. McClellan, Major- General United States Army. Originally pub- lished under the Direction of the War Depart- ment, by Order of Congress. Illustrated with Several Hundred Engravings. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co. 8vo. pp. 499. $3.00. Tales of a Grandfather. History of Scotland. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. With Notes. In Six Volumes. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 16mo. Vols. I. and II. pp. xii., 301 ; vi., 301. per vol. 75 cts. The Okavango River. A Narrative of Trav- el, Exploration, and Adventure. By Charles John Andersson. With Maps and Illustrations. New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. pp. 414. $2.00. O