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Cory on New Birds from Santo Domingo.

The following species were described by me some months since, but having lately received other species, I redescribed them and add descriptions of the female and young. I have also raised one of them to the rank of a new genus.


Calyptophilus,[1] gen. nov.

The present genus has the general appearance, at first glance, of Phænicophilus, but is easily separated from it by the following characters:

a. Tail short, about four-fifths as long as the wing; middle toe about two-thirds of tarsus: tail square, slightly emarginate.


b. Tail long, equal to wing; middle toe about five-sixths of tarsus; tail rounded, and strongly graduated; bill much narrower, and the legs and feet larger than in Phænicophilus.


Calyptophilus frugivorus.

Phænicophilus frugivorus Cory, Journ. Boston Zoöl. Soc., II. No. 4, Oct. 1883: p. 45.

Male: Top of the head brown, shading into ashy on the neck, behind the eye; rest of the upper parts, including back and upper surface of wings and tail, brownish-olive; throat white; breast white, becoming ashy upon the sides: flanks brownish-olive, the olive mixing with white upon the crissum; primaries and secondaries olive-brown. the inner webs edged with very pale brown: a patch of bright yellow under the base of the wing.

  1. Καλνπτος, φιλέω.