Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/128

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Until he came to Philip's dwelling.
He caused enter Sharatz into the marble courtyard
And rode up before the white manor;
But Philip was not within,
For he was gone to the hills on hunting,
And his wife, Andjelija, stood before Marko.
About her were four handmaidens
Upholding her sleeves and the hem of her garment.
And when Marko came thither,
He cried greeting to her: 70
"God aid thee, dear sister!
Is pobratim Philip within?"
But Philip's wife made answer:
"Get thee hence, starveling dervish[1],
Philip is no brother to such as thee!"
When Kraljević Marko heard that,
He smote her in the face with the palm of his hand.
Now a golden ring was on his hand,
And it did scathe upon her visage,
And put out three sound teeth from their place.89
Then he took from her three rows of ducats[2],
And cast them into his silken pocket,
And said to the wife of Philip:
"Give greeting to Philip the Magyar
When he cometh down from the hills.
Let him come to the new tavern,
That we may drink red wine and be merry,
Not with my gold nor yet with his
But with thy golden necklace."
He turned about the fiery Sharatz90
And went straightway to the new tavern.
He lighted down from Sharatz and tied him before the tavern,
Then he sate him down to drink red wine.
No long time, nay, but a short time thereafter,
Came Philip to his white manor.

  1. гола дервишино. Dervish is a word of contempt.
  2. A necklace composed of three rows of gold coins.