Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/134

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Two sworn brothers rode together
Through the fair city Tsarigrad.
The one was Kraljević Marko,
The other Kostadin Beg.
And Marko began to speak on this wise:
"Pobratim, Kostadin Beg,
Now that I go forth of Tsarigrad,
I might well meet with an errant knight
That should bid me have ado with him.
Therefore will I feign to be passing sore sick 10
Of the flux, an evil sickness and a terrible!"
So Marko feigned sickness,
Not being sick, but of his craftiness,
On stout Sharatz he bowed him down,
That he pressed on the saddle with his heart,
And so went forth of Tsarigrad.
And a worshipful adventure befell in the way!
There met him Alil-Aga, the Sultan's man,
With thirty janissaries with him,
And said Alil-Aga to Marko: 20
"Sir Knight, Kraljević Marko,
Come, let us prove whether of us hath more skill of bow and arrow,
And if God and fortune will well
That ye should outshoot me this day,
Then shall ye take my white manor,
And all the appurtenance thereof,
And the lady, my faithful wife.
But if I outshoot you this day,
I ask not your house not yet your wife,
But right so I will hang you, 30
And possess me of valiant Sharatz."
Kraljević Marko made answer:
"Leave me in peace, accursed Turk!