Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/144

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But Marko was full sore wounded;
Seventy wounds had he gotten,
From the Arabs he had gotten seventy wounds.
And he fell down across the Sultan's knees,
And the Lord Sultan asked him:
"My son, Kraljević Marko,
Are thy wounds to the death?
Thinkest thou to be made whole of thy wounds?
Shall I let bring salves and leeches?"
Kraljević Marko made answer:180
"My Lord, my father the Sultan!
My wounds are not unto the death,
Meseemeth I should well amend me."
The Sultan put his hand in his pocket,
And gave him a thousand ducats,
And he went forth to let search his grievous wounds.
And he sent two faithful servants after Marko
Who should see that he died not.
But Marko went not to no leeches,
But he went from inn to inn 190
Seeking where should be the better wine.
Scarce had Marko drunken somewhat,
When his sore wounds healed and were abated.
Therewithal came a letter to him,
How that his manor was plundered,
Yea, plundered and burnt up with fire.
How that his old mother was trampled under of horses;
How that his faithful wife was taken captive.
Then did Marko make great dole and sorrow,
On his knees before his father the Sultan:200
"Lord and master," said he, "my father the Sultan,
My white manor is plundered,
My faithful wife is made captive,
Mine old mother is trampled on of horses,
The gold is taken from my treasure-chamber,
Mina of Kostura hath taken it."
The Lord Sultan soothed him, saying: