Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/154

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We mounted our horses,
And departed thence through the land of the Moors.
On a morning, as day dawned, 70
I sate me down to rest,
And the Moorish maiden took me,
Encircling me with her black arms,
And when I looked on her, mother,
On her black face and white teeth,
A loathing gat hold on me;
I drew the rich-wrought sabre,
And smote her on the silken girdle,
That the sabre cut clean through her.
I mounted my Sharatz, 80
And the head of the Moorish girl spake and said:
'Brother-in-God, Kraljević Marko!
Leave me not! Leave me not!'
Therein, mother, I sinned against God,
Gaining much gold thereby,
And for this cause I let build many pious buildings."