Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/156

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And the guaranty of the true God,
That I may go to Prilep castle,
And bring him gold for ransom.
Twenty charges of gold, by the faith of my body!
And if he will not believe me,
Let him bring me forth of the accursed dungeon,
Let him bind me in iron,
And I will send a letter 40
To my mother in Prilep castle,
And she will bring the gold for ransom,
For I may not long endure in the dungeon."
When the damsel understood his words,
She went to the Divan to the King.
And when she was entered into the Divan to her father,
The King of Azak asked her:
"Marry, my dear daughter!
What lackest thou now?
A little silk, perchance, or velvet? 50
Or gold, or haply white linen?
Or fine cloth of Paragun[1],
Cut and uncut?"
Answered him the fair damsel:
"O my father, King of Azak!
In thy palace there is enough and to spare,
Nor am I in lack of aught.
I bring thee reverence and greeting,
From the prisoner, Kraljević Marko.
He prays thee to let him forth of the dungeon, father,60
On his faith and honour,
And on the guaranty of the true God,
Till he may go to Prilep castle,
And he will bring thee gold for ransom.
Twenty charges of gold he will bring thee:
But, and if thou wilt not believe him,
Let him nevertheless forth of the dungeon;

  1. In his glossary at the end of vol. ii of the Народне Пјесме, Vuk says he does not know what "cloth of Paragun" may be.