Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/170

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And then shall I smite off thy head!"
But Kraljević Marko answered:
"Lie me no lies, black Arab!
If God and knightly fortune will it,
Thou shalt not leap so far as now I stand,
How then shalt thou leap over me?"
Ah, hadst thou but seen the black Arab,
How he tugged at his mare's bridle,
And strake her with the sharp stirrup-irons!
For in good sooth was he minded to overleap him. 370
But the war-wise Sharatz suffered it not,
But rose up on his hind legs,
And on his fore-legs received the Arab mare;
With his teeth also he laid hold on her,
And rent off her right ear,
That the mare was all bathed in blood.
Ah, had one been there to see,
How hero ran in upon hero,
The swarthy Moor upon Kraljević Marko!
But neither might the Moor slay Marko, 380
Nor yet might Marko slay the Moor,
And ever the clash of sharp swords endured!
Thus, for four hours, they drave each against other.
And when the black Arab saw
That Marko was like to prevail against him,
He turned about his slender mare,
And fled across Stamboul market-place.
Marko pursued after him,
But swift was the wild Arab mare,
Swift was she, swift as the mountain Vila, 390
And well had she outstripped Sharatz,
But Marko bethought him of his mace;
He swung it round about and cast it,
And smote the Arab fair between the shoulders.
The Arab fell down, and when Marko was come,
He cut off the Arab's head,
And laid hold upon his slender mare.