Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/186

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And his legs cracked in the knee-joints,180
But the hard iron held him.
Djemo sate him down on the black earth,
And Marko sat drinking the dark wine.
He drank to the health of Djemo the Mountaineer,
He drank to his health but gave him naught to drink.
And when Marko was flushed with wine,
He tied Sharatz to the brown horse,
And bound Djemo upon Sharatz,
Himself he mounted upon Djemo's brown
And went straightway to Vučitern. 190
Thence came forth to him Christian lords, saying:
"Brother-in-God, Kraljević Marko,
See that thou hang Djemo here.
Lo, here be three charges of gold!"
But Marko gave back to them the gold
That they had given to Djemo the Mountaineer,
And went on further to white Zvečan.
And the Christian lords came forth, saying:
"Brother-in-God, Kraljević Marko,
See that thou hang Djemo here. 200
Lo, here be three charges of gold!"
But Marko gave back to them the gold
That they had given to Djemo the Mountaineer,
And continued to white Ochrida.
And the Christian lords came forth, saying:
"Brother-in-God, Kraljević Marko,
See that thou hang Djemo here.
Lo, here be three charges of gold!"
And Marko would not take the gold,
But gave back to them the three charges 210
That they had given to Djemo the Mountaineer.
At Ochrida he builded a gallows,
And hanged Djemo the Mountaineer.
And he took fish from Ochrida lake,
And straightway gat him to white Prilep,
And there did honour to his patron saint.