Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/204

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And had dwelt there seven years,
And had learnt fine Turkish,
As if a Turkish mother had borne him.
And Marko said to the Turks:
"Sit ye down, Turks, drink wine! 110
Pay me the leech's fee for my servant;
But if ye will not do so,
Wait until I reach you
But one buffet apiece with my mace.
There is but little substance therein,
Forty okas of cold iron,
Twenty feir okas of clear silver,
And six okas of beaten gold;
In all six and sixty okas.
And I let you wit that well have ye earned it, 120
For ye did break down my door,
And did count out on my servant's shoulders
Six and thirty blows of golden maces."
Therewith an ague took all the Turks,
For fear of Marko's terrible mace.
Each one drew forth twenty ducats,
And the Agas drew forth thirty ducats.
They put the ducats on the hem of Marko's garment,
For so they hoped Marko would leave them in peace,
But he would in no wise leave them. 130
Marko, the Giaour, drank wine,
Fain would he have picked a quarrel with the Turks:
"Ho, Turks, sit ye down and drink,
And do ye give me somewhat in return.
My Jela is not a slave,
She has soiled the silken robe she wears
While serving you with goodly viands."
And now the Turks were in straits,
For already some lacked money,
And one borrowed from another. 140
Each one yielded up ten ducats,
And the Agas gave twenty ducats apiece.