Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/213

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Scarce had Grujica sat him down at the table.
When from the wall the Latin stripling called:
"Hear ye, kum Starina Novak!
Lo, down yonder under the white tower,
There be three valiant steeds,
To the saddles thereof are fixed three war-spears 220
Whose points are dressed upward to the sky;
If ye may leap over the three valiant steeds,
Then shall ye lead away the damsel Jerina."
When Starina Novak heard it,
He looked at Kraljević Marko,
Marko looked at Janko of Sibinj,
Janko looked at Bosnian Relja,
Relja leapt lightly to his feet,
And hied him under the white tower,
And lightly leaped over the three valiant steeds, 230
And the three war-spears that were dressed thereon.
Then he pulled out his good sabre,
For around the steeds were twelve knights on horseback,
And Relja slew them all twelve.
Then he took the three valiant steeds,
And led them to Starina Novak.
Scarce was Relja seated at the table,
When yet again the stripling shouted from the wail:
"Arise, thou kum, Starina Novak!
And shoot at the apple in the castle!" 240
Novak looked at Miloš the vojvoda,
Miloš leapt lightly to his feet,
He took his bow with the golden bowstring,
With an arrow he pierced the apple,
And bore it to Starina Novak.
Therewith Marko Kraljević waxed wroth.
And spake unto Starina Novak, saying:
"If I but knew where Jerina abideth,
I should have no more parley with these Latins."
Thereat up spake the youthful Grujica: 250
"Follow me, Kraljević Marko," said he,