Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/226

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Right on that the monk lighted down from his horse, 140
And touched with his hand the worshipful Marko,
But Marko was already long dead.
Vaso, the Igumen, wept tears,
For he was passing heavy because of Marko.
From his girdle he took the three purses of gold,
And girded them about his own middle.
Then Vaso, the Igumen, thought and considered
Where he should bury the dead Marko;
He thought and considered and took resolve,
And he set the dead Marko upon his horse, 150
And so brought him to the sea-shore.
He sate him down in a ship with the dead Marko with him,
And brought him with a straight course to the Holy Mountain
And so to the church of Vilindar.
And he let carry him into the church of Vilindar,
Over Marko he read words meet for the dead,
And in the earth he buried his body,
In the middle church of white Vilindar.
There the old man buried Marko,
But he left no sign thereon,160
That none should know the grave of Marko,
And that his enemies should not revenge them on the dead.