Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/63

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"Get ye gone—froward of the froward,60
When we have ended the service in the church
It will be made known who is to receive the empire."
And the messengers gat them forth.
And when they had finished God's service,
And were all come forth before the white church,
Protopope Nedeljko spake thus:
"My children—ye four messengers,
I indeed gave the Sacrament to the illustrious Tsar,
I gave him the Sacrament and I confessed him;
But as touching the empire I asked him nothing,70
I spake only of the sins that he had sinned.
So go ye to Prilep town,
To the abode of Marko Kraljevitch,
To Marko, erstwhile my pupil;
From me he learned his letters,
He has been scribe to the Tsar,
In his hands are the imperial writings,
And he knoweth who should receive the empire:
Summon ye therefore Marko to Kossovo,
Marko will speak forth the truth80
For Marko feareth none,
Save only the one true God."
The four messengers departed thence,
They departed thence to Prilep town,
To the white castle of Marko Kraljevitch.
And when they were come before the white castle,
They knocked on the door with the knocker.
Jevrosima, the old mother, heard the knocking,
And called her son Marko:
"Son Marko, my dear child,90
Who knocketh on the door with the knocker?
Meseemeth they should be messengers from thy father."
Marko arose and opened the door,
The messengers inclined themselves before Marko:
"God be thy help, Lord Marko!"
And Marko caressed them with his hand: