Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/87

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[ 39 ]

What I as a knight have sought of God,
That have I obtained this day
In that I gain for me such friends.
But I must tell you a hard thing;
Sooth it is that thou hast heard, Vojvoda Marko,
That there is no such damsel of beauty; 340
It is true indeed what folk say,
But this my sister is a shrew,
She feareth none save God,
She careth naught for her brother.
Four and seventy suitors there are,
That are come seeking my sister,
And in all my sister hath found some fault,
And shamed her brother before the suitors.
I durst not take thy ring,
Nor drink of the suitor's flagon. 350
If my sister will not go with you tomorrow,
How then shall I answer you?"
Into loud laughter brake Marko,
And spake to him in this wise:
"Ah me, Leka, alas for thy mother!
Art thou then head of this household,
And ruler of the level plain,
And thine own sister feareth thee not?
By the faith of my body.
Were it my sister in Prilep, 360
And she would not obey me,
I should cut off her hands,
Or put out her eyes!
But hear me now, Leka Kapetan!
And if thou art afeared of thy dear sister,
I pray thee as head of the household
That thou go to the white tower;
Go, Leka, where thy sister sitteth,
Ask her and bring her hither,
And let her look upon us knights; 370
It may well be that such she hath never seen.