Page:The Bengali Book of English Verse.djvu/149

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As though too rich a joy and shame
In that deep crimson mantling came.
And with averted cheek and hands
Folded one rapturous moment stands.
Empresslike she smiles, and fain
Would linger o'er his gorgeous pain.
But ah! that passion-eaten look
Her gentle bosom cannot brook.
Tears start into her eyes: she turns
With shining eyes, and cheek that burns.
Love and reluctant maidenhood
Her heart impelled, her heart withstood,
A rosy strife; but soon that glow
Of shame she checks, and, tranquil now,
Raising her soft-fringed eyelids dim,
Bends full her starry gaze on him.

O what a heaven, what land unknown
To Julian's happy sight is shown!
To all his agonies, all his sighs
What opening, sudden paradise!
Abandoned to that glorious gaze,
A moment in sweet dread he stays:
That gaze of speechless amethyst,
Its meaning, could it e'er be missed?
He takes her hand inflamed with bliss,
Her willing, trembling hand in his;
And in glad tears she hides her face
Lock'd in his passionate embrace.

To his her darling cheek is prest,
Against her own his fever'd breast;
Love gleams from her eyes into his
In answer to each glowing kiss.
And while a smile, a sigh there springs,
Kisses and tears,—sweet idle things,