Page:The Berkeleys and their neighbors.djvu/175

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the White House, and the mail twice a week from New York, brought in the stage coach—"

"And Old Hickory's penchant for Mrs. Eaton, and half the Congress getting tight at the White House New Year's Day. We ought to have it all."

"Yes—yes—Zounds, sir, we ought to have it all!"

Then there was the ball to talk about, and presently, Pembroke declining the Colonel's hearty invitation to stay and dine off whatever miserable fare a city market afforded, and try some port he had brought from Virginia, knowing there was nothing fit to drink to be had in Washington, he left. Olivia's invitation to stay was rather faint—had it been heartier, perhaps he might have remained. As it was, he went home, and surprised Miles by coming in whistling jovially.