Page:The Berkeleys and their neighbors.djvu/242

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He got out all dem ole yaller Richmun Exameters, printed fo' de wah, an' he say he gwi' bust yo' argifyins' all ter pieces. He mighty obstroporous, an' you better come along."

To this pathetic appeal Pembroke at last responded. Olivia, with downcast face, walked by his side. The Colonel was very much worked up and "mighty discontemptuous," as Petrarch expressed it.

"This is the third time, sir—" he began to roar.

"Never mind, Colonel," replied Pembroke, laughing. "We will have a plenty of time to quarrel. Olivia has promised to marry me in the summer."

"By Gad, sir—"

"Have a cigar. Now, where did we leave off last night? Oh, the Virginia Resolutions of 1798."