Page:The Best Continental Short Stories of 1923–1924.djvu/437

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novels. The most known short stories: Gay Things (Rzeczy wesole). Pearls and Swine (Perly i wieprze). The Game of Happiness (Zabawa w szczescie). Arabian Adventures (Awantury arabskie).

Duch Zapomniany. He is the most prominent satirical writer in Poland. His works contain true gems of satire combined with a special Polish note of poetic melancholy and sentiment. Very original in style.
Gustaw Olechowski. Born in 1874 in Borja near Sandomir. Studied in the high school of Radom, Commercial Institute in Anvers, School of Political Science in Brussels and Warsaw and International Law Academy in Hague. Author of novels, dramas and three volumes of short stories: The Knight (Rycerz). Things Seen (Rzeczy widziane). The Psychologist and the Heathen Woman (Psycholog i poganka).
Stefan Zeromski. Born in 1864 in Strawczyn, district of Kielce, near Cracow. Studied in the high school of Kielce and the University of Warsaw. One of the most genial Polish authors. Wrote a great amount of novels, dramas, dramatic poems as well as some volumes of short stories, which, however, belong to the time of Poland’s sufferings under the yoke of Russia. His best short stories are: The Ravens and Crows will Tear Us Up (Rozdziobia has kruki, wrony . . .), a volume of short stories painting the time of the Polish Insurrection against Russia in 1863, Ariman Revenges Himself (Aryman msci sie), Short Novels (Utwory powiesciowe). His novel, The Faithful River (Wierna rzeka), is one of the greatest works ever written in Poland. Zeromski writes of the soul of the Polish intellectual classes in their great endeavour to save the Polish national feeling from complete destruction in the dreadful conditions of slavery and abasement. He may himself be called the knight of the Polish freedom. Greatest master of the Polish language.
Kazimierz Tetmajer. Born in the Tatra Mountains in 1865. Polish poet of great talent. Studies at the high school and at the University of Cracow. Author of many dramatic and lyric poems, of novels and short stories as Scetches, Melancholy, and series of Tatra stories: On the Rocky Slopes (Na skalnem Podhalu), where he first introduced the dialect of Tatra mountaineers into Polish literature. These novels and stories are of special poetic value as pictures of mountain life.
Waclaw Sierowsewski. Born in 1858 in a Polish village called Wólka Kozlowska. He interrupted his studies in a high school, passed two years as a locksmith’s helper, and then finished his education in the Technical School of the Warsaw-Vienna Railway. At the age of twenty he was exiled to Siberia and lived there for many years among the Yakouts (Siberian natives). Author of many novels and short stories which are of great interest because of the novelty and originality of the subject and the charm of his style. The best of his short stories, depicting the life of Polish exiles as well as of the natives of Siberia are: On the Edge of the Forests (Na kresach lasow), Chinese Stories (Powiesci chinskie), (Z fali na fale), From Wave to Wave, Tales (Bajki), Ol-Soni-Kisan. In his latest works he deals with the post-war events in Russia and Poland as for instance in his drama The Bolsheviks, or the monography, Joseph Pilsudski.