"Yes, yes. I love and respect my husband and at any rate the peace of my family life is recious to me. I'd sooner let myself be killed than be the cause of Anrey's or his daughter's unhappiness. So, please, Ivan Mikhailovich, for goodness' sake, leave me alone. Let us be good and dear friends, and give up these sighings and gaspings which don't suit you. It's settled and done with! Not another word about it. Let us talk of something else!"
Sophia Pietrovna again glanced sideways at Ilyin. He was looking up. He was pale, and angrily he bit his trembling lips. Madame Loubianzev could not understand why he was disturbed and angry? but his pallor moved her.
"Don't be cross. Let's be friends," she said, sweetly.
"Agreed! Here is my hand."
Ilyin took her tiny plump hand in both his, pressed it and slowly raised it to his lips.
"I'm not a schoolboy," he murmured. "I'm not in the least attracted by the idea of friendship with the woman I love."
"That's enough. Stop! It is all settled and done with. We have come as far as the bench. Let us sit down . . ."
A sweet sense of repose filled Sophia Pietrovna's soul. The most difficult and delicate thing was already said. The tormenting question was settled and done with. Now she could