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By Simeon Solomon, F. S. Ellis, 1871.

We have every reason to congratulate ourselves when the genius of a distinguished artist finds a double channel for its self-expression—when a poet can furnish us with illustrations of his poems copied from the very visions which inspired them, or when a painter is able to tell us in words what he means to convey to our imaginations by the forms and colours of his pictures. Mr. Solomon's prose poem is a key to the meaning of his drawings. It lays bare the hidden purpose of the artist, and enables us to connect picture with picture in a perfectly intelligible series. Those who are familiar with his sketches or with the photographs which have been taken from them will recognise the perfect unity of style which marks the vision and the outlined forms. Those again who can appreciate the delicate and subtle key of colour used by the painter in his finished pictures will trace the same harmonies of hue in