Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 02.djvu/229

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state senate. He served as a chief medical offi- cer with the rank of major in the Confederate army and performed active and arduous duty, organizing the great general hospital at Peters- burg in 1862, of which he was the medico-mili- tary head. At the close of the civil war he returned to private practice. He was twice mar- ried: first to Sarah Joseph Alston of the famovis North Carolina family of that name, and sec- ondly to Anne Leslie Watson of Petersburg, Va. He had a wide reputation as a skilful physician, •especially as a gynecologist, and was also well known as a scholar and writer. He was made vice president of the Virginia state medical society, and a member of the Confederate States army and navy medical association. He is the .author of the Old Virginia Doctor, and Other Pieces; a notable essay on Diphtheria and Dysmennor- rhoea and a volume of Clinical lieports from Private Practice (1873).

CLAIBORNE, Nathaniel Herbert, representa- tive, was born in Chesterfield, Va., Nov. 14, 1777; fourth son of William and Mary (Leigh) -Claiborne of Manchester; great-grandson of •Capt. Thomas Claiborne, and a brother of Gen. Ferdinand Leigh Claiborne. He was liberally ■educated and achieved reputation in both hovises of the Virginia legislature by introducing meas- ures of reform. He was a member of the execu- tive council during the war of 1812, and was a repi-esentative in the 19th and five succeeding congresses, 1825-37. He was married in 1815 to Elizabeth Archer Binford of Goochland county, Va. He published Notes on the War in the South (1819). He died at "Rocky Mount," Franklin 'County, Va., Aug. 15, 1858.

CLAIBORNE, Thomas, representative, was born at Brunswick, Va., in 1749; son of Col. Au- gustine and Mary (Herbert) Claiborne; grandson of Capt. Thomas and Ann (Fox) Claiborne; great- .grandson of Lieut. -Col. Thomas and Sarah Clai- borne; and great 2 grandson of Secretary Williana Clayborne, 1590-1676. He was sheriff of Bruns- wick in 1789 and 1792; colonel commanding the Brunswick militia in 1789, and a member of the Virginia house of delegates, 1784-86. In 1792 he was elected a representative in the 3d congress; was re-elected to the 4th and 5th, and -was again elected to the 7th and 8th congresses. He married the daughter of a Mr. Scott, a Scotch- man, and his wife, a Miss Cocke of James River. He died at Brunswick, Va., in 1812.

CLAIBORNE, Thomas Augustine, physician and naval officer, was born at Chesterfield, Va. , 1779; youngest son of W^illiam and Mary (Leigh) Claiborne of Manchester, Va. He acquired his medical education at the University of Pennsyl- vania, and was a surgeon in the U.S. navy, 1812- 15. He was stationed for some years at the U.S.

navy yard at Madisonville, Lake Pontchartrain, New Orleans, at a site still recommended for a new naval depot. He was married to Mary Tennessee Lewis, a sister of Governor Clai- borne's first wife, and left two sons, Ferdinand and Micajah, and one daughter, Mary. His second son, Micajah Lewis Claiborne, a ward of Gen. Andrew Jackson, was a lieutenant in the U.S. navy, serving 'on board the ill-starred U.S. brig Somers at the time of the Mexican war and dying soon after. Dr. Claiborne died in 1816.

CLAIBORNE, William Charles Cole, sena tor, was born in Sussex county, Va., in August, 1775; second son of William and Mary (Leigh ) Claiborne of Manchester, Va. He was educated at the Richmond academy and William and Mary college, Va., was admitted to the bar, and settled in Nashville, Tenn., where he was ap- pointed judge of the supreme court of the terri- tory. In 1796 he participated in the framing of the state constitution. As a Democrat he repre- sented his district in the 5th and 6th con- gresses, 1797-1801, where his vote de- cided the issue in favor of Jefferson's election; and in 1801 he was appointed by President Jefferson governor of the terri- tory of Mississippi, serving 1802-05. He was appointed, Dec. 12, 1804, one of the commissioners to re- ceive the territory of Louisiana, ceded by France under treaty of Oct. 31, 1803; was ap- pointed governor of Orleans by temporary commis- sion, June 8, 1805; by permanent commission, Jan. 17, 1806; recommissioned Nov. 14, 1808, and Nov. 26, 1811. He was elected governor of Louisiana and served from 1812 to 1816, sharing with Gen- eral Jackson in the famous defence of New Or- leans. He was elected to the United States senate Jan. 13, 1817. to succeed Senator James Brown, but was prevented by illness from taking his seat in the 15th congress. Governor Claiborne was married three times: first to Eliza Lewis of Nash- ville, secondly to Clarisse Duralde, daughterofa Spanish officer and magistrate, thirdly to Suzette Booque, who afterward married John Randolph Grimes, the eminent New Orleans lawyer. Gov- ernor Claiborne died at New Orleans Nov. 28, 1817, and a monument was erected to his memory by the sculptor St. Gies.

CLANCY, John Matthew, representative, was born in Ireland, May 7, 1837. He immigrated
