Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 03.djvu/244

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post-graduate study at Harvard; and several iitontlis of 18^0-^1 were similarly employed at Johns Hopkins university in the study of Latin and history. In ISitO he was made dean of the Col- lege of arts, philosophy and seienre, Oliio state university. He was elected a member of the Amer- ican historical association in 1884 and of the Amer- ii-an pliilological as.sociation, 1895. Harvard con- ferred upon him the degree of A.M. in 1877.

DE ROSSET, Moses John, physician, was born in PittslK)ro, N.C., July 4, 1S)8; st)n of Dr. Annand John (18U7-18'J7) and Eliza (Lord) De Rosset; grandson of Dr. Arniand John (1767-1859) and Catherine (Fullerton) De Rosset; great-grandson of Dr. Moses John (1720-1767) and Mary (I vie) De Rosset; and grejit^ grandson of Armand John De Rosset (1695-1706), M.D. of the University of Basle, Switzerland, who was the original Hugue- not immigrant and the founder of the family in Carolina, his wife being the Noble Lady of Eusatia in France. Moses John De Itosset was educated in Europe and in the medical department of the University of the city of New York, and upon taking his degree in 1859 was appointed resident physician at the Bellevue hospital, N. Y. In 1861 he became assistant surgeon in the Confederate army and later was promoted surgeon, serving throughout the civil war and surrendering at Ap- ]x >mattox. In 1865 he began jmictice at Baltimore, Md., at the same time acting as adjunct professor of chemistry in the University of Maryland, and occupying the chair of chemistry in the Balti- more dental college. In 1873 he removed to Wil- mington, N.C., and became an oculist and aurist. He later went to New York and rose to prominence in these specialties. He is the author of contribu- tions to medical journals and of a translation of Bouchardat's Annual Abstract of Therapeutics, Materia Medica, Pliarmary and Toxrcolo(jy for 1S67. He die.l in Wihuington, N.C., May 1, 1881.

DE RUSSY, Gustavus Adolphus, soldier, was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1818; son of Capt. Renfc Edward de Rassy, U.S.A. He was a cadet at the U.S. military academy, 1835-38, and in March, 1847, was appointed from Virginia 2d lieu- tenant, 4th U.S. artillery, and served through- out the Mexican war. He was brevetted 1st lieutenant Aug. 20, 1847, for services at Contre- ras and Churubu.sco, and captain Sept. 13, 1847, for gallantry at Chapultei>ec. He was quarter- master of the 4th U.S. artillery, 1849-57. His promotions in the regular army were as follows: 1st lieutenant. May 10, 1849, captain, Aug. 17, 1857; major 3d U.S. artillery, July 26, 1860; lieutenant-colonel, Aug. 25, 1879, and colonel of 4th U.S. artillery, June 30. 1882. He entered the volunteer army as colonel of the 4th N.Y. artil- lerj', March 17, 1863, was promoted brigadier- general, May 29. 1863, and was mustered out of

the service. Jan. 15, 1860. For gallantry at Fair Oaks lie was brevetted major; at Malvern liilJ he gained the brevet of lieutenant-colonel, and at the of the war he was brevetted colonel and brigadier-general, March 13, 1865. He was super- intendent of practical instruction and tactical recitations in the U.S. artillery school, 1871-74. On Nov. 3, 1882, he was retired by operation of the law. He died in Detroit, Mich., May 29, 1891.

DE RUSSY, Louis Q., soldier, was born in New York city in 1796; son of Thomas de Russy of St. Malo, France, who immigrated to America and took up his residence first in Hayti, W.I., then in New York city in 1791 and subsequently at Old Point Comfort, Va. Louis was graduated at the U.S. military academy in 1814 and served in the war of 1812-15 as assistant engineer in con- .structing defences for New York city and on gar- rison duty in New York harbor, 1815-16. He was then made battalion-adjutant of artillery and in 1819 was topograjjher in determining the boundary between the United States and Canada under the treaty of Ghent. He was promoted captain in the 3d artillery in 1825 and paymaster with rank of major in 1826. In 1842 he was dropped from the army roll and established himself as a planter in Louisiana. Upon the outbreak of hostilities with Mexico he joined the 1st Louisiana volunteers. At Tampico he became colonel of the regiment and completed the defences of the place, and after various other service he Avas mustered out atier the capture of the Mexican capital. He engaged as civil engineer in New Orleans, principallj- in deepening the channel of the Mississippi and in building levees. He represented his district in the Louisiana legislature, 1851-53, and was a state senator, 1853-55. He was major-general of the Louisiana militia, 1848-01, and upon the secession of the state he joined the Confederate army and was employed as an engineer. Fort De Russy on the Red river was named for him. He died at Grand Ecore, La., Dec. 17, 1864.

DE RUSSY, Rene Edward, soldier, was born in Hayti, W.I., Feb. 22, 1790; son of Thomas de Russy of St. Malo, France. He was graduated at the U.S. military academy, West Point, in 1812 and served in the war of 1812-15 as engineer at New York city and at Sacket Harbor, N.Y. He actively engaged in the campaign of the lakes and in 1814 was brevetted captain for meri- torious conduct at Plattsburg. He was General McComb's chief engineer in 1814 and was promoted captain of engineers in 1815, when he assisted in the con.struction of the fort at Rouse's Point, N.Y. He was brevetted major in 1824, M-as superinten- dent of the U.S. military academy, 1833-38, and served in the engineer corps with the rank of lieu- tenant-colonel, 1838-63. In 1861 he constructed the defences of San Francisco, Cal., and continued as