Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/395

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pared for college at the public schools and the Polyteclmic institute, Brooklyn. N.Y., and was graduated at Columbia university A. B. 1890, A.M. 1891; at the Boston university Ph.D. 1892, and at Heidelberg university Litt.D. 1896. He was in- structor in Greek, Drisler school. New York city, 1889-90; in Columbia university, 1890-91; adjiuict professor of Greek, Tufts college, 1891-93; professor of classical philology at Tufts, 1893-96; pres- ident of the Univer- sity of Wyoming, 1896-98; and was elected president of the University of Washington in 1898. He was made a mem- ber of the New Eng- land association of colleges in 1892; the American philolog- ical association in 1894; the Western historical as- sociation in 1896; the Alaska geographical society in 1898; and the Society of American wars in 1898. He was married in 1895 to Helen Hope Wads- worth, Boston university, 1891. a relative of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and a descendant from Jolin Carver and from Elder Bradford of the Mayflower. He received the honorary degi-ee of LL.D. from Hanover college in 1897. He is the author of: T/ie Burial Ctistoms of Ancient Greeks (1891); The Philoctetes of Sophocles (1893); A First Book of Cireek (1895); and monographs: Apocryphal Gospel of Peter (1892), and ^ Reproduc- tion of Polygnatus (1894); and classical biography in the International Cyclopedia (1891-92).

GRAVES, Frederick Rogers, fifth missionary bishop of Sliaughai and lC8th in succession in the American episcopate, was boni in Auburn. N.Y., Oct. 24, 18.58; son of Samuel S. and Elizabeth A. (Willson) Graves. He was graduated at Hobart, A.B., 1878, A.M., 1881, and from the General the- ological seminary. New York, B.D., 1881. He was made deacon by Bishop Horatio Potter at St. Paul's chapel. New York city, Jime 12, 1881, went to China as a missionary, and was ordained priest in the church of Our Savior, Hong-Kew, Kiangsu, Oct. 28, 1882, by Bishop C. M. Wil- liams. He was for a short time at St. John's college, Shanghai, and was then appointed to Wu- chang, Cliina. He was elected missionaiy bishop of Shangliai at a special meeting of the General convention held in New York city in March, 1893, and was consecrated June 14, 1893, by Bishops Littlejohn, Lyman, Dudley, Scarborough, Peter- kin, Coleman, KinsolvLng and Barrv. The de-

gree of D.D. was conferred on him by the General theological seminary in 1893. He pub- lished Missionary Rejuirts and Translations.

GRAVES, James Robinson, author, was born in Chester. Vt., April 10, 1820; son of Zuingliua and Loisa (Snell) Graves. He was principal of Kingsville academy, Ohio, 1839^1, and then re- moved to Kentucky for his health and took charge of Clear Creek academy, near Nicholas- ville. While teaching he mastered a college course of study with- out assistance and began the study of theology. He was or- dained to the Baptist ministry and in July, 1845,removed to Nash- ville, Tenn., where he established an acad- emy and in the fall became pastor of the 3d Baptist church. He was editor of the Tennessee Baptist ISiQ; originated the South- western publishing

house of NashviUe, Term., in 1848; and in 1850 founded the Tennessee and Alabama female in- stitute, afterward the Mary Sharpe female college, Winchester, Tenn., and drafted its curriculum. He was one of the leaders of the Baptist high church party, holding the " Old Landmarkism " views. In addition to editorial articles and con- tributions to periodicals he wrote The Desire of All Natiotis; The Watchman's Beply; The Trilemma; The First Baptist Church in America; The Great Iron T17iceZ (1854); The Little Iron Wheel (lUm); The Bible Doctrine of the Middle Life; The Intermediate State (1869); Exposition of Modern Spiritism; Old Landmarkism, IVhat It Is (1878); The Little Seraph; Tlie Intercommunion of Churches (1879); The Be- demptlce Work of Christ (1883); The Work of Christ in Seven Dispensations; The New Great Iron }Mieel (1884); Denominational Sermons (1885); and The Parables and Prophecies of Christ (1887). He edited and brought before the public Robinson's History of Baptism; Wall's History of Infant Bap- tism; Orchard's History of Foreign and English Baptists, and Stewart's Baptisms. He died in Memphis. Tenn., in 1896.

GRAVES, William Blair, educator, was born in West Fairlee, Vt., Feb. 3, 1834; son of Cyms and Lucena (Thayer) Graves; and grandson of

Samuel and (Blair) Graves. He wag

graduated from Amherst college in 1865; was instructor at Phillips academy, Andover. Mass., 1866-70; professor of natural sciences at Marietta college, Ohio, 1870-74; professor of mathematics