Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/465

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under Dr. Valentine Mott. He was associated with N. P. Willis auJ George P. Morris as city editor of the Kfrtiimj Mirror, 184o-lG; practised medicine in Brooklyn, N.Y., 184G-48, was for a time city physician and in 1848 established the Brooklyn Daily Times, and was its editor in-chief, id48-.5U, and while editor prepared his school history of the United States. In 18.5U he removed to New York city, changed the school of his medical prac- tice to homoeopathy and finally became a liberal practitioner through the use of the best features of both schools. He was professor of materia medica and after- ward of theory and practice in the New York homoiopathic medical college for sis years. In 1855 he published " Do- mestic Practice " which had passed through twelve editions in 1898, and was republished in several languages in Europe. He was associate editor of the John's Mamial il852); estat bed the Medicdl Times (187'3), and continued its editor- in chief daring his active life. He organized the Western dispensary in New York city in 1870; was one of the organizers of the Hahneiuann hos- pital and was its consulting phj-sician from its organization. He was for thirtj' jears trustee and vice-president of the state insane as3lum, Middletown, N.Y. ; surgeon of the 6th regiment, N.Y. S.M., 1864-68. and served as president of the county and state medical societies. He was married, in 1848, to Sarah Lefferts, daughter of Peter Schenok of Brooklyn, N.Y., and their son. Dr. Egbert Guernsey, practised medicine in Flor- ida. Dr. Guernsey. Sr., received the honorary degree of M. D. from the regents of the Univer- sity of the state of New York in 1880, and that of LL.D. from the College of St. Francis Xavier in 1899. The medical board of the Metropolitan hos- pital of which he was the presidenti'rom its organ- ization in 1877 celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation in medicine. May 27, 1896, at the Union League club house when a silver loving cuj) was presented to the veneral)le doctor.

GUERNSEY, Rocellus Sheridan, author and lawyer, was born in Wcstford, N.Y., April 10, 1836; son of Richard and OriUa (Delesdernier) Guernsey ; grandson of Ebenezei' and Silla (Shev aleer) Garnsey; great grandson of John and Azubah (Buell) Garnsey ; and great* grandson of John Guernsie, who was in New Haven colony,

at Milford, in 1639 with his younger brother Jo- seph. RoceUus attended the district school in Westford until 1852; studied law in Butfalo, N.Y., and was admitted to the bar in New York city in 1859, and to the U.S. supreme court bar in January, 1863. He was counsel for the West ern Union telegraph company, for the Postal telegraph cable company and for other similar corporations. He is the author of Mechanics' Lien Laws as in operation in New York, Kings and Queens counties (1873); Hoio k'hakespeare's Plays were written (1874) ; Corporation Code (1884) , Suicide : History of the Penal Laws lielatimj to it (ISSii) : Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet (1885), Kew York City and Vicinity durimj the War of 1812-13 (2 vols., 1889-96) ; Taxation and its Uelation to Capital and Labor (1897) ; and several papers on medico-legal subjects and on taxation, eco- nomii's auil liistorical mutters.

QUERRY, William Alexander, educator, was born in Clarendon countj^, S.C, July 7, 1861; son of the Eev. Le Grand F. and Sirena Margaret (Brailsford) Guerry; grandson of William Capers and Virginia (Felder) Guerry, and a descendant of Pierre Guerry, a French Huguenot, who came from the province of Poitou, France, and settled in Charleston district, S C, about 1695 He also descended on his mother's side from Maj.-Gen. William Moultrie of Revolutionary fame He was graduated from the University of the South. A.M.. 1884; B.D.. 1891; was ordained a deacon in the Protestant Episcopal church in 1889. and a priest in 1890. He held rectorships at Florence, Marion and Darlington, S.C, 1888-93, and in the latter year accepted the chair of homiletics and pastoral theology at the University of the South

QUEST, John, naval officer, was born in Mis souri in 1821. He received a warrant as midship man i 1837 : was pi'oinoted past midshipman in 1843, served on board the Poin sett in the Tam- pa Bay siu'vey, 1844-45; on the Congress, 1845- 48 ; on the west coast of Mex- ico, and took part in sev- eral engage- ments with water batteries. He was second in command of seamen and marines of the Plymouth of the Asiatic squadron and at Shanghai in 1854 liberated a pilot boat's crew from a Chinese man-of-war by boarding the vessel, and engaged in a sharp hand to hand contest with Chinese rebels in the streets of the city, who were plun dering the homes of foreign residents. At the outbreak of the civil war he was in command of
