Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/100

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lieutenant-governor of the state. He wjis a del- egate to ti>e continenUil congress, 1T83-M5; ad- vocated more lil>eral sjilarirs to U.S. niiuLsters an<l secretaries ahrcKul, and in May, 1784. pro- posed to congress the sending of Thomas Jelfer- son to Europe to jvssist John Adams and Benjamin Franklin in negotiating treaties of cximmerce. A county in Virginia was named for him. He died in New York city, while in attend- ance as a delegate to congress, in October, 1785.

HARE, Darius D., representative, was born near Adrian, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1848: son of Levi and Jane (lierry) Hare, and grandson of Conrad and Margaret Hare. He removed with liis parents to Wyandot county, Ohio, when a child, and was brought up on a farm. He attended the common schools of Wyandot county and Bubsetpiently engaged in teaching. He was a student at the Oiiio Wesleyan university, 1861- 63, but did not graduate. He was a private in the signal corps, U.S. army, 1864-6.J; and was as- signed to special duty at General Canby's head<iuarters and later at General Sheridjui's headquarters at New Orleans until Feb. 17, 1866, when he was discharged. He attended the law department of the University of Michigan, 1866- 68, was admitted to the bar in September, 1867, and began practice at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, in May, 1868. He was married, Oct. 28, 1808, to ELise. daughter of William and Aldanali (Fisher) Liddelle. He was elected mayor of Upper Sandusky, 1872, 1874, 1878, 1880 and 1882, and was a Democratic representative from the eighth district of Ohio in the o2d and 53d con- gresses, 1891-95. He died at Upper Sandaskj-, Ohio. Feb. 10, 1897.

HARE, George Emien, educator, was born in Pliiladelphia. Vn.. Sept. 4, 1808. He was a nephew of Dr. Robert Hare, the celebrated sci- entist, 1781-18.58. He was graduated at Union college in 1826; and was ordamed deacon in the P.E. church by Bishop White, Dec. 20, 1829, and priest in 1830. He was rector of St. John's church. Carlisle, Pa., 1830-34; of Trinity church, Princeton, N.J., 1834-43; assi.stant professor of Latm and Greek at the University of Pennsyl- vania. 1844-45, head master of the dioce.san trainmg .school of the P. E. church in Pliiladel- phia, 1846-52; in.structor in the diocesan training school, anil professor of biVjlical learning and of New Testament literature in the Divinity school of the P.E. church in Philadelphia, the out- growth of the former .school, 1852-89, and profes- sor emeritu.s, 1889-92. He was a member of the stau'ling committee of the diocese and a fre- quent delegate to the general convention. He served as a memVier of the American committee for the revision of the Oil Testament tran.sla- tion. Ue received from Columbia the degree of

S.T.D. in 1843 and from the University of Penn- .sylvania that of LL.D. in 1873. He was married to Elizabetli Catherine, daughter of the Rt. Rev. John Ueiiry Hobart, bishop of New York, and their sou, William Hobart Hare, became bishop of South Dakota. Professor Hare is the author of Christ to Iteturii (1840) ; and Vmuns and Xar- rcitircs of the Old Testamcrd (1889). He- died in Pliiladelphia. Pa., Feb. 15, 1892.

HARE, John Innes Clark, jurist, was born in Phihidelpliia. Pa.. Oct. 17. 1816; son of Dr. Robert and Harriet (Clark) Hare. He was grad- uated at the University of Pennsylvania, A.B., 1834; A.M., 1837; studied cliemi.stry and was severely injured by an explosion of percliloric ether which he had discovered. He was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in 1841 ; practised in that city; was vice-provost of the Philadelphia law academy, 1862-83; and was elected provost in 1883. He was professor of the institutes of law there 1868-89; and was made emeritus professor in 1889. He was a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, 1858-68; was elected a member of the American philosoijhical society in 1842 ; was associate judge of the district court of Philadel- phia, 1851-67; president judge, 1867-74; and president judge of the court of common pleas. No. 2, Pliiladelphia, 187.5-96, when he resigned. He received the degree of LL.D. from the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania in 1868. He published (in conjunction with Horace B. Wallace) Amrrican Leading Cases in Laic (2 vols., 1847) ; edited Smith's Leading Cases in Law (2 vols., 1852); WTiite and Tudor' s Leading Cases in Equity (3 vols., 1852). anil Hare on Cntracts (1887).

HARE, Robert, scientist, was born in Pliila- delphia, Pa . Jan. 17. 1781 ; son of Robert and Margaret (Willing) Hare; and a descendant of Robert and Martha (Horford) Hare of Lime- house, England. He invented the oxyhy- drogen blow-pipe in 1801 and read before the Chemical society of Philadelphia a " Memoir on the Sup- ply and Application of the Blow-Pipe " which was pub- lished in 1802 and in 1839 won for him the first Rumford medal of the Amer- ican academy of arts and sciences. The elder Silliman in 1802 and 1803 engaged with him in experimenting with tlie invention. In 1803 he read before the Ameri- can philosophical society : " Account of the Fusion

