Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/283

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the bar and became an eminent lawyer in Wil- mington, N.C. He was a state senator from New- Hanover county, 1794-95, and a representative in the 6th and 7th congresses, 1799-1803. He was U.S. district attorney; a trustee of the Uni- versity of North Carolina, 1791-1809, and one of the commissioners who selected the site of the uni- versity. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Gen. John Ashe. He died in AVilmington, N.C, in 1809.

HILLARD, George Stillman, editor, was born in Maehias. Maine. Sfi)t. 2-2, 1808. He was gradvia- ted at Harvard, A.B., 1828; A.M., 1831, andLL.B., 1833; and was admitted to the Boston bar in 1833. He was an editor of the Christian Register in 1833 with George Riplej'; editor of the Jurist with Charles Sumner, and editor of the Boston Courier, 1856-61. He taught in the Round Hill school, Northampton, while studying law; was a member of the Boston common council, 1845-47; visited Europe, 1847-48; was a member of the state senate, 1850; a member of the state consti- tutional convention, 1850; city .solicitor, 1854-56, and U.S. district attorney for Massachusetts, 1866-70. He received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Trinity college in 1857. He was an overseer of Harvard, 1871-75; member of the Massachusetts Historical society, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences. He published, besides orations, essays and reviews: The Poetical Worlds of Edminid Spenser (5 vols., 1839); a translation of Guizofs Essay on the Character and Infliience of George Washington (1840); Memorial of Daniel Webster (1853); Six Mouths in Italy (1863); a series of School Readers (1856); Selections From the Works of Walter Savage Landor (1856); Life and Cam- paigns of George B. McClellan (1864); Political Didies of the Educated Classes (1866); George Ticknor (1873). He died in Boston, Jan. 21, 1879.

HILLEGAS, nichael, first treasurer of the United States, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 22, 1729 (O.S.); son of Michael and Mar- garet Hillegas, natives of Germany. His father became a lai-ge property holder in Philadelphia, a. prosperous merchant, and a member of the consistory of the Reformed church as early as 1732. He was naturalized, April 11, 1749, and died Oct. 30, 1749, aged fifty- three. The son be- came a merchant and sugar-refiner, and was also interested in the manufacture of iron. He was prominent in city and national affairs; was a commissioner appointed to locate and erect Fort Mifflin, Pa.; was a member of the provincial as- sembly of Pennsylvania, 1765-75, and during this time was a member of the commission " to audit and settle the accounts of the general land office ami other public accounts." He was elected a member of the American Philosophical society, April 8, 1768; was a member of the board of


commissioners to improve the navigation of the Delaware river in 1771; was made a member of the committee of observation for Piiiladelphia,

1774, and was appointed treasurer of the Penn- sylvania committee of safety (of which Benja- min Franklin was president), June 30,

1775, On May 30,

1776, he was appoint- ed provincial trea.s- urer, and on July 29, 1775, he and George Clynier were made joint treasurers of the United colonies and were styled " Conti- nental Treasurers." He was made sole continental treasurer, Aug. 6, 1776, and on Sept. 6, 1777, was named " Treasurer of the United States of America." He held the office till Sept. 11, 1789, when he was succeeded by Samuel Meredith. In 1781 he was one of the first subscribers to the Bank of North America. On April 2, 1781, he was authorized by the legislature to " revise, compare, correct and publish in one volume " " The resolves of the committee of the late province of Pennsylvania, with their instructions to their representatives in assembly held at Philadelphia, July 15, 1774; the proceedings of the Provincial conference of committees, held at Carpenters' Hall, June 18, 1776; the Declaration of Independence made July 4, 1776; .minutes of the proceedings of the convention of the state of Pennsylvania, July 15, 1776, with the consti- tution; the min- utes of the as- 'i'y semblies of the ^'*" j"° Commonwealth of Pennsylvani.i to the end of

1781, and the ai- ticles of confed- eration." The volume was pub Hslied in folio in

1782. He was alderman of the citj- of Penn- sylvania, 1793-1804, and an associate justice of the mayor's court. He was a musician of con- siderable ability. He was married, May 10, 1753, to Henrietta, daughter of Samuel and Deborah

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