Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/312

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Battor in the East Indies ; was on special service, 18;34-40; attached to the Phihidelphia, 1840-45; commanded the storesliip Relief, 1845-1847 ; was stationed in Pennsylvania navy yard, 1847-50 ; and commanded the St. Louis, of the Mediterra- nean squadron, 1850-1853, the Independence, of "^ the Pacific

' T>,E FB.oATE squadron,

1857, and the John Adams, 18- 58-Gl. lie re- ceived pro- hiotion to " commander t\ ^ Feb. G, 1884,

r^ ; and was

3(1 commanded

the Lancaster of the i'lKiiu- s(iuadron, 1861- 62 ; was promoted commodore, July 16, 1862. and was on ordnance and special duty, 1864-67. He was made a rear-admiral, April 13, 1867, and commanded the North Atlantic squadron, 1868-69. When the Cuban insm-rection broke out in October, 1868, he went with his fleet to Havana and offered the protection of the Ameri- can flag to American citizens who were suffering injustice at the hands of Spanish officials. His energetic interference somewhat disturbed the U.S. government, the state department not wish- ing to provoke a war with Spain. Rear- Admiral Hoff was placed on the retired list, Sept. 19,

1868, and returned to the United States in Augtist,

1869, where he served on the retiring board, and in 1870 as president of the board of visitors at Annapolis. He was married to Louisa Alexina "Wadsworth Bainbridge, and their son, Henry Bainbridge Hoff. a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, class of 1859, was a lieutenant in the U.S. marine corps and served under DuPont in the expedition against Port Royal, S.C., 1862, and died at sea the same year; and another son, William Bainbridge Hoff (q. v.), was a graduate of the U.S. Naval academy. Rear- Admiral Hoff died in Washington. D.C., Dec. 25, 1878.

HOFF, John Francis, clergj-man, was born in Lancaster, Pa., Jan 10, 1814; son of George and Margaret (Ilager) Hoff. He was a student at Dickinson college in the class of 1830, 1827-28 ; a sophomore at Yale in the class of 1832, and was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, A.B.. 1833, A.M., 1836. He studied " at the Virginia Theological .seminary at Alexandria, 1834-30, and was graduated at the General Tlieo- logical seminary, New York city, in 1836. He was rector of Christ church, Georgetown, D.C., ia-38-43; St. Mark's, Frederick county, Md., 1841-47; Clnist chun^h, Millwood, Va., 1847-58, and of Trinity church, Towson, Md., 1858-81. H9

was married to Juliana Johnson, daughter of William Ross. Yale conferred on him the de- grees of A.B. and A.M. gratiie causa in 1879, and AVilliam and Mary, the lionorary degree of D.D. in 1870. He is the author of a .series of tracts and essays setting forth the doctrines and polity of the Protestant Episcopal chuicli in America. He died in Md.. Dec. 18, 1881.

HOFF, William Bainbridge, naval officer, was born in Pliiladelphia, Pa., Feb. 11, 1846; son of Rear-Admiral Henry Kuhn and Louisa Alexina Wadsworth (Bainbridge) Hoff ; a descendant of the Taylors and Bainbridges of New Jersej', and of the Kuhns of Philadelphia. He attended the Episcopal academy at Philadelpliia, Pa., and in 1860 entered the U.S. Naval academy, and was ordered into active service in September, 1868. While midsliipman he at one time commanded the yacht America. He was promoted ensign, Oct. 1, 1803; attached to the steam frigate Niagara in 1864 ; served on the East Gulf blockading squadron, 1864-65, and took part in the expedition to capture St. Marks, Fla., which terminated in the battle of Natural Bridge. He served on the steamer Shatcnuit of the Brazil squadron, 1865-66 ; was promoted master. May 10, 1866, and attached to the steam frigate Franklin, the flagsliip of Admiral Farragut, commanding the European st^uadron, 1807-68. He was promoted lieutenant, Feb. 21, 1867, and lieutenant-commander, JIarch 12, 1868. He was stationed at the Naval academy in 1869 ; attaclied to the Kansas, 1870-71 ; on torpedo service, 1872, and was senior aide to Rear-Admiral Pennock, commander of the Pacific station, and executive officer of the Saranac, Pacific fleet, 1872-74. He was called to Wasliington on special dutj- in 1875; commanded the torpedo boat Alarm, 1875- 76 ; was stationed at League Island, 1876-77, and served as aide to Admiral Por- ter, 1877-81. He was promoted to commander, Aug. 7, 1881 ; commanded t!ie training - ship Portsmouth, in 1881-83, and served at the torpedo station in 1883. He was chief signal officer, a special duty for the navy department, 1883-86 ; commanded the Ossipee, North Atlantic station, 1886-88, and the Dale, a training sliip for seamen gunners, from January. 1890. to Marcli. 1892. He was naval com- missioner to London, for the World's Columbian exjiosition from March, 1892, to October, 1893 ; on special duty for the bureau of navigation, 1893- 95, and was promoted captain. May 10, 1895. He commanded the Lancaster, then the Newark,