Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/463

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in the Society of St. Luke, an Italian body of artists, the oldest society of the kind in the world ; a member of the Institute of British Arch- itects, and in 1893 the recipient of the gold medal instituted in 1847 by Queen Victoria, the first of these medals bestowed upon an American ; a member of the Central Society of French Architects ; and of the Arcliitects' and Engineers' Society of Vienna, He received the


honorary degree of LL.D, from Harvard in 1892. In 1894 he was elected a foreign associate mem- ber of the Academie des Beaux Arts of the Institute of France. His architectural works in- clude : Lenox library building, Presbyterian hos- Dital, Tribune building, and Delaware and Hud- son Canal building, in New York city, and the residences of William K. Vanderbilt, New York city and Newport ; of Cornelius Vanderbilt and Ogden Goelet, Newport ; of C. Oliver Iselin, New York city ; of H. G. Marquand, New York city, and of George W. Vanderbilt, Biltmore, N.C. He also designed the U.S. Military academy and gj^mnasium. West Point, N.Y. ; the U.S. obser- vatory, Washington, D.C. ; Yorktown monument, Virginia ; memorial doors. Trinity church. New York city ; Liberty monument, New York harbor ; Soldiers' and Sailors' monument, Portland, Maine. in 1898 the various art societies of New York erected a monument to his memory on Fifth avenue. New York city, opposite the Lenox li- brary, with the following inscription: "In lecognition of his Services to Art in America." Mr. Hunt died in Newport, R. I., July 31, 189.5.

HUNT, Rockwell Dennis, educator, was born at Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 3, 1868 ; son of Dennis Rockwell and Nancy Ann (Zumwalt) Hunt ; grandson of Albinus and Hannah (Robbins) Hunt and of Jacob and Susannah (Smith) Zumwalt ; and of English and German descent. He was graduated in the commercial course at Napa col- lege with highest honors in 1887, and was grad- uated from the college, Ph.B., 1890 : A.M., 1892, and from the California School of Elocution and

Oratory at San Francisco in 1892. He studied history, economics and philosophy at John.s Hopkins university, receiving the degree of Ph.D. in 1895. He was professor of history and assistant in the commercial department in Napa college, 1891-92, professor of history and elocution in Napa college, 1892-93, and became professor of history and political science in the University of the Pa- cific in 1895. He was lecturer on Pacific Slope history at Leland Stanford, Jr., university, 1898 ; professor of history in Pacific " Grove Summer school, 1900 ; historiographer of the California conference of the M. E. church ; and was made a director of the California School of Elocu- tion and Oratory. He was elected a member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1895 ; of the American Economic as- sociation, 1895 ; of the American Historical asso- ciation, 1897, and of the advisory council of the Pacific Coast branch. University association. He was married, July 24, 1895. to Nancy Seavy Stu- art. He is the author of : Genesis of CaUfornicrs First Constitution (1895); pamplilet on Legal Status of California IS4O-49 (1899); and HisforT/ of California and Biograpliijof Gen. JohnBidicell (in prepai'ation, 1900).

HUNT, Samuel, author, was born in Attle- boro, Mass., Marcii 18, 1810 ; sou of Richard and Ann (Humplirey) Hunt ; grandson of John Hunt and a descendant of Enoch Hunt. He was grad- uated at Amherst in 1832 ; taught in Southamp- ton, Mass., and Southampt n, L.I., N.Y. ; was a student of theology at Princeton, 1836-37, and at Andover, 1838-39 ; was ordained, July 17, 1839, and was jiastor at Natick, Mass., 1839-50, and at Franklin, Mass., 1850-64. He was superintend- ent of freedmen, educational department, Amer- ican Missionary association, N.Y., 1865-67 ; clerk of the committee on military affairs, U.S. sen- ate, 1868-73, and secretary' to Vice-President Wilson, 1873-75. He assisted Mr. Wilson in writing Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, and completed the work after Mr. Wil- son's death ; and also prepared liis papers for pub- lication. H3 published Letters to the Avoiced Friends of Missions; Political Duties of Chris- tians; Puritan Hymn and Tune Boole ; and left unpublished Religion in Politics. He died in Bos- ton, Mass., July 23, 1878.

HUNT, Samuel Furman, jurist, was born in Springdale, Oliio, Oct. 22, 1814; son of Dr. Jolm Randolph and Amanda (Baird) Hunt : grandson of Oliver and Elizabeth (Furman) Hunt, and a descendant of Capt. Ralph Hunt, of Long Island, N.Y., 1660. He was graduated from Miami uni- versity, Ohio, in 1864, and from the law depart- ment of the University of Cincinnati in 1867. He travelled through Sicily, Greece, Arabia, Egypt and the Holy Land, contributing descrip-