Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/489

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HUTTON, Frederick Remsen, mechanical engineer, was born in New York city, May 28, 1853 ; son of Mancius Smedes and Gertrude (Holmes) Hutton, grandson of Timothy Hutton, and of Obadiah Holmes, and a direct descendant of the Rev. Everadus Mancius, sent from Holland to minister to the settlers of Ulster county, N.Y., and of the Van Wycks and Remsens, of Dutchess county, N.Y. He was graduated at Colimabia, A.B., 1873, and from the School of Mines, E.jvf. and C.E., 1876. He was assistant in civil an^ mechanical engineering at Columbia, 1876-7/^; instructor in mechanical engineering, 1877-83"; adjunct professor of mechanical engineering, 1882-93, and was made full professor in 1893. He was elected a life member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1894, and its secretary in 188.3. He was also made an associate fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the American Institiite of Mining Engineers. He received the degree of Ph.D. from Columbia in 1881. He prepared for the tenth U.S. census, monographs on machine tools and wood- working machines, and on steam pump and pumping-engines, 1880-82 ; was meclaan- ical editor of the Engineering Magazine (1892), and of Johnson's Cyclopcedia (1893), and is author of: Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants (lSd7); Heat and Heat Engines (1899); and con- triljutions to scientific journals.

HUTTON, Laurence, author, was born in New Y'ork city, Aug. 8, 18-13 ; son of John and Eliza (.Sc'()tt) Hutton, and grandson of James Hutton, a friend of Sir David Brewster, and of William Scott, a friend and cousin of Sir Walter Scott. His father ■U-as a friend and parishion- er of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, and Laur- ence as a boy sat upon Thackeray's knee, and was blessed by him. He was edu- cated in liis native city and entered upon a mercantile career. He visited Europe and made London his summer home for many years. He be- came a writer for the public press, espe- cially in the direction of dramatic criticism and the history, of the stage, and dramatic critic of the New Y^ork Evening Mail. He re- ceived the honorary degree of A.M. from Yale university in 1892, and from Princeton in 1897. He is the author of : Plays and Players (1875) :









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Literxj^-y J^ndmqrJffo/ I^ndpn^^^ ties, of th^, Aiuericari Stag^ (1891),; Literary Landmarlcs of Edinburgh (1892) ; From the BqoJiS of Laurence Hutton (l'^2); Ediria Booth (1893); Portraits in Plaster (1894); Other Times and Other Seasons (1S9~)}; Literary Landmarks of ^Jerunitdeni (1895): Literary LtindmarTcs of Venice (189G}; Literary LandmarTcs of Florence (1897); Literary Landmarks' of Rome {\>i':i^,)\ A Boy and Four Dogs ( 1898) ; and edited : Artists of the Ninefeeiith Century and Tlieir Works {\^itb. Clara Erskine Clement, 2 vols., 1879); The Amer- ican Actor Series {6 yoLs., 1881-82); Act(ji)'S anpl Actresses of Great Britain and the United' Stafh'i (withBrander Matthews. 1880): John Bernard's Retrospection of America (IsSi]); Opening Ad- dresses of the American Stage (ISSii) ; A Memoir of Lester Wallaek (1887); The Letters of Charles Dickens to Wilkie Collins (1895). His contribu- tions to periodicals include ^ a spries entitled " Literary Notes," in Harper's Magazine{iSS(]-9S).

HUTTON, riancius Holmes, clergyman, was born in New York city, Oct. 13, 1837 ; son of the Rev. Dr. Mancius Smedes and Gertrude (Holme^) Hutton. He was graduated from the L^niversitj of the City of New York in 1~*57, studied at the Union Theological seminary, N.Y., 1857-59, ai?^ was graduated from the Tlieological Seminary o^ the Reformed Dutch Cliurch, New Brunswic^ N.J., in 1860. He took a post-graduate course at the Union Theological seminary. 1860-1861 ; was ordained by the classis of "Westchester, June 15, 1864 ; was pastor of the Reformad church, ]\It. Vernon, N.Y., 1864-79, and became pastor of the Second church, New BrunswicTc, N.J., in 1879. He was married, Oct. .9, 1879. to Mary Eleanor, daugliter of John Woodruff Clark. He was president of., the ^Iid(.Uesex County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, president of the General Synod.of. the Reformed Church, 1888-89. and in 1896 was elected president of the Board of Foreign 31is- sions of the Reformed Church in America. He also became chaplain of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati, and one of the chaplains- general of the general society. He was elected a member of the New Brimswick Greek club and the New Jersey Microscopical society. Rutgiers college conferred on liim the degree of D.D. iii 1879. He is the author of Ijouk notices and topical papers in various ecclesiastical and^ lit- erary reviews. ,

HUTTON, William Rich, civil engineer.' was born in Wasliington. D.C., March 21. 1826: son of James and Salome (Rich) Hutton: grandson of Nathaniel and Eleanor (Dempsey) Hutton and of Obadiah and Salome (Lombard) Rich ; great- grandson of Jolm Strangeways and Ann (Van