Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/92

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HANSON, John, president of conprress, was born in Green Hill, Cliarles count}-, Md., in 1715; son of Samuel and Elizabeth Hanson. He was a representative in the Maryland liouseof delegates almost continuously, 17.">T-81, and signed the non-importation act of 17G9; was treasurer of Frederick county. Md.. and chairman ot the committee of observation in 1775 and was com- missioned that year by the Maryland convention to establish a factory for the manufacture of gun-locks at Frederick, Md., in anticipation of a war with Great Britain. H^' was also one of a committee to visit tlio .Maryland troops in New Jersey in October, 177G, and encouraged re-enlist ment. He was a delegate to the Continental congress, 1781- l^'i^^ 83, and presi- dent of that body, Nov. 5,

1781, to Nov. 4,

1782, receiving for his services as such the thanks of con-

^^ ' gress. He was

married to Jane, daughter of Alexander Contee. and their son, Alexander Contee Hanson, was chancellor of Maryland. President John Hanson died in Oxen HiUs. Md.. Nov. 22. 1783.

HANUS, Paul Henry, educator, was born in Hermsdorf unter deui Kynast, Prussia, March 14, 1855; son of Gustaf and Ida (Aust) Hauus. His father participated in the revolution of 1848. He came to America with his mother in 1859 and prepared for college in the schools of Mineral Point, Wis.; and at the State normal school, Platteville, Wis., and was graduated from the University of Michigan, B.S., in 1878. He was teacher of mathematics and sciences at the high school, district No. 1. Denver, Col.. 1878-79: pro- fessor of mathematics at the University of Colorado from December, 1879. to June, 1886; principal of the Denver high school, district No. 2, 1886-90; professor of pedagogy at the Colorado state normal school, 1890-91, and became assist- ant professor of the history and art of teaching at Harvard university in 1891. He was president of the Colorado state teachers" association 1888- 89: was elected a memV>er of the Twentieth Century club. Boston, the Massachusetts School- masters' club, and other teachers' as.sociations; and was one of the founders of the Harvard teachers' a.s.sociation in 1891, of which he was chosen secretary. He was married, Aug. 10. 1881, to Charlotte Hoskins of Denver. Col. He is the author of: An Eh-mpntarn Trffitisp on the Thcnry '■/ Df'tenninantx flHW.) a text book for col- lo'jres; (rpomctry in (he Crammnr SrJw-1. an essay (1893); Educatwufil Aims a d Ednrntio'dJ VnJtiPs

.. ^-

(1899); "^rconditri/ ^duration in a Democratlr Society, a brief monograph published by the Education department, England (1899); and contributions to the Educational licviev, New York, the Educational lievieic, London, the School lierif'ir. Chicago, and other leading European and Aiiicrican periodicals.

HAPCiOOD, Isabel Florence, author, was born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 21, 1851; daughter of Asa and Lyilia (Crossley) Hapgood; granddaughter of Artemas and Polly (Rice) Hapgood of Barre, Mass., and of Samuel Crossley, who came from London, England, to Mason county, Ky., removed thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, and married Phoebe St. Clair; and a descendant of Shadrach Hapgood, who arrived at Bos ton, Mass., from And- over, England, in the Specdindl in July, 1656. Isabel attended the public schools of Worcester. Mass. , until 1863, and Miss Porter's school, Farm- ington. Conn., 1865- 68. She visited Russia to study the language and literature. Her published works in- clude: The Epic Songs of Bussia (1886), and Buasian Bamhles (1895); translations from the Ru.ssian: Childhood, Boyhood, Youth (1886), What is to he Done? (1887), Sevastopol (1888) and Life (1888) by Tolstoy; St. John's Ece and Other Tales (1886). and Dead Souls (1887) by N. V. Gogol; Sonya Kovalei-sky (1895); Hoic Count Tolstoy Lives and UorA>(l899) by P. A. Sergyeenko; At Home and in War (1888) by Alexander V. Verestchagin. Translations from the ^French: Jean TeteroVs Idea (1879) by Victor Cherbuliez; Les Miserables, The Toilers of the Sea, Xdtre Dame de Faris, and TTie Man Who Laughs (1887-88) by Victor Hugo; Thoughts (1887) by Canon Joseph Roux; Eecol- lections and Letters (1892) by Ernest Renan; The Evolution of France Under the Third liepvhlic (1897) by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Transla- tions from the Italian: Cuore (1887) by Edmondo de Amicis. Translations from -the Spanish: Faith (1892) and The Origin of Tlwnght (1894) by Ar mando Palacio Valdes. .She is also the author of many magazine articles

HAPQOOD, Norman, author, was born in Chicago, 111., Marcii 2S. 1.m(?S: son of Charles Hutchins and Funny (Powers) Hapgood: grand son of Seth and Lvdia Seaver (Wilson) Hnpirood. and of Dr. William and Louise ( Powers,