Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/157

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mother was a sister of Mrs. Henry "Ward Beeclier, and died in August, 1S98. Henry Lawrence Jones was graduated at Columbia, A.B., 1858, A.M., 1861, and from the Virginia Theological seminary in 18G1. He was made a deacon in May, 18G1, and ordaineil a priest in Maj', 18G3, by the bishop of New York. He was assistant to his father in tiie Clmrcli of the Epipliany, New York city, 1861- 63, when he went to Fitcliburg, Mass., where he organized the parisli of Christ church in October, and erected a stone church, consecrated in 1868. He was married, Oct. 6, 1869, to Sarah Eastman, daughter of Samuel and Harriet (Fox) Coffin, of Concord, N.H. In 1874 he accepted the rector- ship of St. Stephen's church, Wilkesbarre, Pa., where, during twenty-five years of his ministry, seven missions were added to the work of the parish and several church edifices erected. He served for many years as a member of the standing committee of the diocese, as deputy to eigiit general conventions and as a member of important general committees. He was elected a life member of the New Y'ork Historical society, vice-president of the Wyoming Histoiical and Genealogical society and president of the Oster- hout Free library. He received the honorary degree of S.T.D. from Columbia university in 18U2.

JONES, Horatio Gates, educator, was born in Cliester county, Pa., Feb. 11, 1777; son of the Ilev. David and Anne (Stilwell) Jones. He was educated under the care of the Rev. Burgess Allison, principal of an academy at Bordentown, N.J. He was licensed to jDreach, Sept. 26, 1801; ordained to the Baptist ministry, Feb. 13, 1802, and was pastor at Salem, N.J., 1802-05. He re- moved to Roxborough, Pa., in 1805, and was one of the founders and first pastor of the Lower Merion Baptist church, 1808-53. He was a direc- tor of the bank of Gerinantown; director and controller of the public schools; was a member of the board of managers of the Baptist board of foreign missions, and secretary' of the board for a immber of years; was influential in the organ- ization of the manual labor school at Haddington, which in 1836 became Haddington college; was president of the board of trustees of the college, 183(5—40; president of the board of trustees of the Philadelphia Baptist association, 1829-.53; moder- ator of the association, 1816' and 1822, and was clerk in 1808-10, 1813, 1815 and 1835. He was married to Deborah Levering, a descendant of Wigard Levering, who settled in Gerinantown, Pa., in 1685. Brown university conferred on him the honorary degree of M.A. in 1812 and the University at Lewisburg, Pa., their first degree of D.D. in 1^52. He is the author of: History of the Phihidelpliia Baptist Association (1823), and was co-editor of the Latter Day Luminary. He died in Roxborough, Pa., Dec. 12, 1853.

JONES, Horatio Gates, author, was born at Roxborough, Pa., Jan. 9, 1822: son of the Rev. Horatio Gates and Deborah (Levering) Jones. He was graduated at the University of Pennsj-1- vania, A.B., 1841, A.M., 1844. In 1845 he made a trip to the western country, and on his return in 1847 was admitted to the Philadelphia bar. In early life he associated himself with the Historical society of Pennsylvania and was for some 3ears its corresponding secretary and its vice-president, 1867-93. In 1856 he became connected with the Welsh society of Philadelphia and was its pres- ident, 1862-93. He was clerk of the Philadelphia Baptist association, 1858-73, when lie resigned and was chosen its moderator. He served as pres- ident of the board of trustees, 1867-93; as a director of Girard college, 1865, and as secretary of the board of trustees of Crozer Theological seminary, 1868-93. He was largely interested in the formation of the Baptist Home of Philadel- phia and served as secretary of its board of trvis- tees from its organization in 1869. He was state senator, 1875-83; a member of the Historical societies of Rhode Island, New York, Delaware, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Floiida. of the M(jra- vian Historical society, the New England Historic Genealogical society, and the American Anti- quarian society. In 1877 he was elected an hon- orary fellow of the Royal Historical society of Great Britain. He was one of the founders of the American Baptist Historical society in 1853, and became one of its vice-presidents. He received the honorary degree of A.M. from Brown in 1863 and that of D.C.L. from Judson university in 1883. He was married to Caroline Vassar, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Rufus Babcock, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He is the author of: Life of Ebenezer Kin- nersley and his Discoveries in Electricity; Meiiioir of Henry Bond, M.D.; Life of Andrew Bradford, the Founder of the Newspaper Press in the Middle States of America; The Bradford Prayer Book of 1710; Memoir of Rev. Abel Morgan of the Penn- epek Baptist Church; History of Po.rboroujhaiid Manaynnk, Philadelphia County. Pa.; The His- tory of the Levering Family; and histories of the Pennepek or Lower Dublin church; the Great Valley church, Pa.; the Brandywine churcii, Pa.; the Ro.xborough Church, Pa.; the Lower Merion church, Montgomery county. Pa.; and the Rit- tenhouse paper mill, the first ever built in Amer- ica. He collected a valuable Welsh library, in- cluding the Cydgordiad, printed in Philadelphia in 1730, the first concordance of the Bible in the AVelsh language. He died in Roxborough, Phil- adeli)liia. Pa., March 14. 1893.

JONES, Hugh, educator, was born in England in 1669. He received a university education, took orders in the established church and im- migrated to Maryland in 1696, having been sent out by the bishop of London to take charge of