Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 06.djvu/167

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aenting the land through an act of congress set- ting apart 20.000 acres of tlie reservation for an institution of learning, and Mr. Jones and three other Indians with two white men constituted the first board of trustees. In August, 1862, they authorized the sale of 5000 acres at $1.25 per acre to establish the scliool. On April 21, 1865, a new charter was obtained by I. S. Kallocli, C. C. Hutchinson, Jolin G. Pratt, James Wind, AVilliam Hurr, Josepli King and John Tecumseh Jones as petitioners, and at the request of the Indians the name Ottawa was substituted for Roger Williams, and Ottawa university began its career with I.S. Kalloch as president. Mr. Jones died in Ottawa, Kan., Aug. 16, 1872, and his widow returned to East North Yarmouth, Maine, where she resided in 1901.

JONES, John Winston, representative, was born ill Chesterfield, Va., Nov. 22, 1791. He was graduated from William and Marj- college in 1803. He removed to Petersburg, Va., was a representa- tive in the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th con- gresses, 1835-45, and was speaker of the hovise of representatives in the 28th congress, 1843-45. He died in Petersburg, Va., Jan. 29, 1848.

JONES, Johnston Blakeley, physician, was born at " Rock Rest," near Pittsboro, N.C., Sept. 13, 1814 ; son of Col. Edward and Mary Elizabeth (Mallett) Jones. He was a student at the Uni- versity of North Carolina, 1831-36 ; studied at the Medical school, Charleston, S.C., and over two years under the best physicians in Paris. He visited Scotland and Ireland, the birthplace of his father, and was graduated M.D. at the Cliarleston Medical school in 1840. He settled in practice at Chapel Hill, N.C., the seat of the uni- versity, and in 1867 removed to Charlotte, N.C. He was a founder of the North Carolina Medical society, a member of tiie Charlotte Academy of Medicine, and was classed as " the ablest physi- cian Nortii Carolina ever i)roduced." He was married, Oct. 21, 1841, to Mary Ann, daughter of Gabriel Stuart, of Halifax county, N.C. They had six children : Mary, who married Thomas S. Armistead, of Plymouth, N.C, and died soon after; Edward S., killed in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Johnston Blakeley, a resident of Texas ; Simmons, who married Miss Morehead, studied medicine and succeeded to the practice of his father at Charlotte, N.C. ; Annie, who married Lucien Walker, of Charlotte, and Car- olina, unmarried. Dr. Johnston Blakeley Jones died at Charlotte, N.C, March 1, 1889.

JONES, Joseph, delegate, was born in Vir- ginia in 1727. He was a member of the house of burgesses from King George county ; was a member of the committee of safety in 1775 ; served in the convention of 1776, and was a dele- gate from Virginia to the Continental congress,

1778-79 and 1780-83. He was judge of the general court, 1778-79, and was reappointed to the same court, Nov. 19, 1789. He was a member of the convention of 1788, and served in the Virginia state militia as rnaior-gener- OLD coui^t-house

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al. Through his .,,, opposition to the proposition by ^^

the state legis- lature to revoke the release giv- en to the United States of the territory north- west of the Ohio river, it was re- jected, and the legislature was compelled to J conform to the f! wishes of the Federal con-! gress. His sis- ter Elizabeth married Spence Monroe, and be- came the mother of James Monroe, President of the United States. Mr. Jones died in King George county, Va., Oct. 28, 1805.

JONES, Joseph, soldier, was born at Cedar Grove, Petersburg, Va., Aug. 23, 1749; son of Thomas Jones ; grandson of Abraham Jones, and great-grandson of Maj. Peter, Sr., and Mary (Wood) Jones. Maj. Peter Jones, Sr., was tiie founder of Petersburg, Va., a celebrated Indian fighter, and died about 1725 at a very advanced age. His wife's father was Gen. Abraham Wood, who lived at the Falls of Appomattox river. Gen. Joseph Jones was an earnest patriot in the Revo- lutionary struggle, a friend of Jefferson, Madison and Monroe, and anofficer in the Virginia militia. He was commissioned colonel Oct. 25, 1784 ; brig- adier-general Dec. 11, 1793, and major-general Dec. 24, 1802. He married first, Nancy, daugliter of Col. William Call, and had one daughter ; and secondly, Jane (1765-1814), daughter of Roger Atkinson, and had six sons and three daughters. Thomas, his eldest son (1781-1866), married Mary, daughter of Richard and Sally Lee, and their grandson was William Atkinson Jones (q.v.). GeneralJones was collector of customs for Peters- burg at the time of his death, which occurred on his estate, Cedar Grove, Va., Feb. 9, 1824.

JONES, Joseph, physician, was born in Liberty county, Ga., Sept. 6, 1833 ; son of the Rev. Dr. Charles Colcock (q.v.) and Mary Anderson (Jones) Jones, He was educated at the University of South Carolina and was graduated from the College of New Jersey, A.B., 1853, and from the University of Pennsylvania, M.D., 1855. Upon his