Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 07.djvu/213

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of Chicago, 1879-80, and was named as first bishop of the diocese of Davenport, Iowa, erected in 1881. He was consecrated at Chicago, 111., July 15, 1881, by Archbishop Feehan, assisted by Bishop Hennessy of Dubuque and Bishop Spald- ing of Peoria. He organized St. Ambrose college in Davenport in 1883, and established several parochial schools in the diocese. He is the author of articles on church history in Catholic periodi- cals. He died at Davenport, Iowa, July 4, 1883.

McMULLIN, Samuel Hildeburn, clergyman and educator, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., March 19, 1831 ; son of Robert and Mary Hamil- ton (Tabele) McMuUin. He was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, A. B., 1849, A.M., 1852, and from Princeton Theological seminary in 1854. He was ordained by the North River presbytery, Oct. 16, 1856 ; was pastor of Calvary church, Newburg, N.Y., 1856-60 ; at Bel- Air, Md., 1860-61, and at Smithtown Branch, L.I., N.Y., 1861-64 ; was stated supply at the Belmont Avenue church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1865-67 ; was professor of Greek language and literature at Miami university, 1867-70 ; professor of church liistory at the Danville Theological seminary, Ky. , 1870-72 ; pastor of First Presbyterian church, Crickville, Ohio, 1873-82, and at Glendale, Ohio, 188^-89. The honorary degree of D.D. was con- ferred on him by Miami university in 1884. He was married to Isabella Brown, daughter of Prof. Thomas J. Matthews of Miami university. He is the autlior of several published sermons and an inaugural address on church history. He died in Glendale, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1892.

McMURDIE, Henry, educator, was born in London, England, May 21, 1822. His parents were members of the established church and he tvas baptized and confirmed a Protestant. He was employed in a mercantile house in Liverpool, England, where he remained until about 1845, when, during the Tractarian movement, he joined the Roman Catholic church and deter- mined to enter the priesthood. He immigrated to the United States, was prepared at Mount St. Mary's seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., and was ordained priest in 1854. He was professor of dog- matic theology and moral philosophy in Mount St. Mary's seminary, 1854-57, and in 1857, when President William Henry Elder became Bishop of Natchez, succeeded him as director of the seminary. He was considered an able theolo- gian and metaphysician. He died in Emmits- burg, Md., Jan. 20, 1880.

McMURDY, Robert, educator, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 2, 1819; son of Jonathan and Elizabeth D. (Shute) McMurdy. He was graduated from Jefferson college. Pa., A. B., 1837, A.M., 1840. He was a teacher at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1837-39, principal of academies and of the

Presbyterian church college in Kentucky, 1839- 48, was ordered a deacon in the Protestant Epis- copal church in 1847, and ordained priest in 1848. He was rector of Christ church, Alexandria, Va., and of churches in Kentucky, Maryland and Michigan, 1847-65 ; was president of Shelby col- lege, Ky., 1859-61 ; and editor of the Churchman, New York city, 1865-92. He was married to Marcella D. Russell. He received the honorary degrees, D.C.L. from the University of Scares, Brazil, 1839, S.T.D. from Hobart, 1860, LL.D. from Jefferson, 1860, and LL.D. from North- western university. He died at Hot Springs, Ark., in March, 1892.

McMURRY, Charles Alexander, educator, was born at Crawfordsville, Ind., Feb. 18, 1857; son of Franklyn M. and Charlotte (Underwood) McMurry, and grandson of James McMurry and of John Underwood. Both grandparents came from Kentucky into central Indiana between 1830 and 1840, and his parents removed to Bloom- ington, 111., in 1865. He was graduated from the Illinois State Normal university in 1876 ; stud- ied two years at Michigan university between 1876 and 1880 ; taught school three years in Illi- nois, four years in Pueblo and Denver, Col., and three years at Winona, Minn., Normal school. He studied four years at the Universities of Halle and Jena in Germany, between 1882 and 1888, and received the degree of Ph.D. from Halle in 1887. He was teacher in the practice department of the Illinois State Normal university, 1892-99 ; super- intendent of the Practice School of the Northern Illinois Normal school at De Kalb, 1899-1901 ; teacher in the summer school of the University of Minnesota, three years ; teacher in the summer quarter and in the Teacher's college at Chicago university four years, and in the summer session of Columbia university, N.Y., one year. He is the author of : General Method (1892); Method of the Recitation (1896); Special Method in Reading, in Literature and History, in Geography, in Science (1898-95); Pioneer History Stories (1893); Course of Study in the Eight Grades (1895); Method of the Recitation (with Frank M. Mc- Murry, 1897). He was editor of the Year Books of the Natio7ial Herbart society, 1895-1900.

McMURRICH, James Playfair, educator, was born in Toronto, Canada, Oct. 16, 1859 ; son of the Hon. John and Janet (Dickson) McMurrich, and of Scotch ancestry. He attended Upper Can- ada college at Toronto, exhibitioner, 1873, and was graduated from the University of Toronto, A.B., 1879, A.M., 1881. He was married in 1882, to Katie Moodie, daughter of John J. and Cath- arine (Moodie) Vickers of Toronto, Can. He was instructor in mammalian anatomy at Johns Hop- kins university, 1884-86 ; professor of biology at Haverford college. Pa., 1886-89 ; assistant pro-