Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 07.djvu/252

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Scovill Mallory was graduated at Trinity col- lege, Conn., in 1858, and at the Berkeley Divinity school, Middletown, Conn., in 1862, and was ordered deacon in the Protestant Episcopal church, June 4, 1862. He was adjunct professor of the Latin language and literature at Trinity college, 1862-64, and Brownell professor of litera- ture and oratory there, 1864-72. He purchased a half-ownership in the Churchman, a weekly re- ligious journal published in New York city in 1866, subsequently becoming sole owner, and was its editor, 1866-97. He was treasurer of Trinity college, 1867-76, and a trustee of that institution, 1872-97. He received the degrees D.D. from Hobart, 1874, and LL.D. from the University of the South, 1891. With his brother Marshall H. Mallory, he built the Madison Square theatre in 1880, and directed the character of the plays presented during his ownership. He died in New York city, March 2, 1897.

MALLORY, Robert, representative, was born in Madison county, Va., Nov. 15, 1815. He was graduated at the Univei-sity of Virginia in 1827 and removed in 1839 to La Grange, Ky., where he engaged in farming. He was a representative from Kentucky in the 36th, 37th and 38th con- gresses, 1859-65, and served as chairman of the committee on roads and canals. He also served as delegate to the Philadelphia national union convention of 1866, and as a commissioner to the Centennial exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876, being one of the vice-presidents of the board of commissioners.

MALLORY, Stephen Russell, senator, was born in Trinidad, W.I., in 1813 ; son of Charles and Ellen (Russell) Mallory. His father, a native of Redding, Conn., was a civil engineer, and

Stephen lived with liis parents in Ha- vana, Cuba, and in Key West, Fla., where his mother settled in 1820, liis father having died in Cuba. He attended school near Mobile, Ala., and at Naza- reth, Pa., and was appointed by Presi- dent Jackson in- spector of customs at Key West in 1833. He was married in 1837 to Angela, daughter of Francisco and Josefa Moreno, of Pensacola, Fla. He studied law with Judge William Marvin of the U.S. district court and practised in Key West, 1839-58. He was judge of the Monroe county court and judge of the probate court of Monroe


county, 1837-45, and collector of customs by appointment of President Polk, 1845-49. He served in the Seminole war, 1835-37. He wa& elected to the U.S. senate as successor to Davil Levi Yulee in 1851, and was re-elected in 1857^ serving as chairman of the committee on naval affairs. In 1858 he declined the appointment of U.S. minister to Spain tendered him by President Buchanan and in 1861 that of chief justice of the admiralty court of Florida. In 1861 he resigned his seat in the senate to join the Confederacy, and was appointed secretary of the navy in the cabinet of President Davis, Feb. 21, 1861, which position he held during the existence of the Con- federate government. He left Richmond with President Davis in April, 1865 ; went to La Grange, Ga., where his family had their resi- dence, and was there arrested as a prisoner of state. May 20, 1865. He was confined in Fort Lafayette, New York harbor, until March, 1866, when he was released on parole and in 1867 was pardoned by President Johnson. He returned with his family to Pensacola, Fla., in July, 1866, where he engaged in the practice of law. He died in Pensacola, Nov. 9, 1873.

MALLORY, Stephen Russell, senator, was born at the home of his mother's sister in Colum- bia, S.C, Nov. 2, 1848 ; son of the Hon. Stephen Russell and Angela (Moreno) Mallory. His mother returned to her home in Key West, Fla., soon after his birth. He entered the Confeder- ate States army in Virginia in 1864 and was appointed midshipman in the C.S. navy in 1865, serving until jbhe close of the war. He was graduated at the University of Georgetown, D.C., in 1869 ; was instructor in Latin and Greek there from September, 1869, till July, 1871 ; studied law in Washington and New Orleans, and was admitted to the bar at New Orleans, La., in 1873, and practised there about six months. Soon after the death of his father at Pensacola, Fla. , he took up his law practice there. He was elected a representative in the Florida legislature in 1876 ; a state senator in 1880 and 1884 ; was a representative from the first district of Florida in the 52d and 53d congresses, 1891-95 ; and was elected in 1897 to the U.S. senate for the term ending in 1903.

MALONE, Sylvester, educationist, was born in Trim, county Meath, Ireland, May 8, 1821 ; son of Lawrence and Marcella (Martin) Malone and grandson of Sylvester Martin of Kilmessan. He was sent as a boy to a Protestant academy, although his parents were Roman Catholics. He began preparation for the priesthood and when the Rev. Andrew Byrne, of New York, visited Ireland in 1839 to secure young men to make their theological studies in the United States, Mr. Malone joined him and attended St. Joseph's