Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 07.djvu/376

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ope (Dalliba) Merrill and of Christian H. and Sophia (Copons) Kauflfman, and a descendant of Nathaniel Merrill (Newbury, Mass., 1C35). He was prepared for college at Chartier institute, matriculated at Columbia college with the class of 1884, transferred to the school of mines, 1882, and was grailuated, Ph.B., 1885. He was assist- ant in the New Jersey geological survey, 1885-87, and a fellow in geology of Columbia coUege, 1886-90. He was married, Sept. 1, 1887, to Wini- fred Edgerton, of New York city, and spent the summer of 1890 in visiting the natural history museums of Europe, and in December was ap- pointed assistant director of the New York state museum. He was assistant state geologist, 1890- 93; directed the scientific exhil)it of the state of New York at the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, III., 1893, and in 1894 he was appointed director of the state museum, and in 1898 state geologist of New York. He was elected a mem- ber or fellow of the leading American scientific societies. He received the degree Ph.D. from Columbia in 1890, and is the author of numerous articles in periodicals and of several bulletins of the New York state museum.

MERRILL, Qeorge Edmands, educator, was born in Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 19, 1846; son of Nathan and Amelia Grant (Edmands) Merrill, and a lineal descendant in the sixth generation from Nithaniel Merrill, Newbury, Mass., 1635. >^ii *'«n^s. George attended the public

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'^ ^ Mass., and the Cambridge

iliigh school; was graduated 'from Harvard, A.B., 1869, A.M., 1872, and from the Newton Theological institu- tion in 1872. He was married, Oct. 1, 1872, to Florence Ann Whittemore; second- ly, on April 5, 1877, to Carrie M. Beebe, and thirdly, on Sept. 19, 1882, to Emma M. Bateman. He was pastor of Baptist churches in Springfield, Mass., 1872-77, Salem, Mass., 1877-85, Colorado Springs, Col., 1885-87, and Newton, Mass. , 1890-99. He was elected president of Colgate university, Hamilton. N.Y., in 1899. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Colby univer- sity in 1896, and that of LL.D. by the University of Rochester in 1901. He is the author of: Master Hathornes Family (1870); Battles Lost and Won (1872); Three Christian Mothers (1876); Tlie Story of the Manuscripts (1881); Crusaders and Captives (1890); The Reasonable Christ (1896); The Parchments of the Faith (1897).

MERRILL, Qeorge Perkins, geologist, was born at Auburn, Maine. May 31, 1854; son of Lucius and Anne E. (Jones) Merrill; grandson of Moses and Sallie Merrill and of the Rev. Elijah Jones, for forty years pastor of First church.

Minot, Maine. He was graduated at the Univer- sity of Maine, B.S., 1879, receiving the degree of M.S. in 1883 and Ph.D. in 1889, and took post- graduate courses at Wesleyan and Johns Hopkins universities. He also served as an a-ssistant in chemistry at Wesleyan, 1879-80. He was an as- sistant on the Fislieries census at Washington iu 1880-81; became connected with the geological department of the U.S. national museum, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D.C., in 1881, and in 1897 became head curator of the depart- ment of geology. He was lecturer on the eco- nomic aspects of geology in the Maryland Agricul- tural college, 1890-91; became professor of geol- ogy and mineralogy in the Corcoran Scientific school, Columbian university, Washington, in 1893. He was married first, in November, 1883, to Sarah, daughter of Joseph R. Farrington of Portland, Maine! His wife died in 1894, and he . was married secondly, in February, 1900, to Kath- erine L. Yancey, of Virginia. He contributed to the " Standard Dictionary," Johnson's " Uni- versal Cyclopedia," and Russell Sturgis's " Dic- tionary of Architecture and Building," and is the author of several standard works, including: Stones for Building and Decoration (1891 and 1897); Rocks, Rockweathering and Soils (1897); The Non-Metallic Minerals (1901), and many papers in scientific journals.

MERRILL, James Qriswold, educator, was born in Montague, Mass., Aug. 20, 1840: son of the Rev. James H. and Lucia (Griswold) Merrill, and grandson of Nathaniel Merrill. He was graduated from Phillips Andover academy in 1859, from Amherst A.B. 1863, attended Prince- ton Tiieological seminary, 1863-65, and was grad- uated from Andover Theological seminary in 1866. He was married, Oct. 11, 1866, to Louisa W. Boutwell, of Andover. He was ordained to the Congregational ministry, Jan. 13, 1867, and was pastor at Mound City, Kan., 1867-69; Topeka, Kan., 1869-72, and was superintendent of mis- sions in Kansas, 1872-73. He was pastor of Ed- wards church, Davenport, Iowa, 1872-82; of the First church, St. Louis, Mo., 1882 89, and of the Payson Memorial church, Portland, Maine, 1889- 94; editor Christian Mirror, Portland, 1894-99, and was elected acting president of Fisk univer- sity, Nashville, Tenn., in 1899, and president in June, 1901. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Shurtleff college. III., in 1887. He is the author of: Children's Sermons (2 vols.), and contributions to the Andover i?e- view, and to the Davenport, St. Louis, Portland and other papers.

MERRILL, John Wesley, clergyman, was born in Chester, N.H., May 9, 1808; son of the Rev. Joseph Annis and Hannah (Jewett) Merrill; grandson of Annis and Lydia (Coffin) Merrill;