Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 07.djvu/378

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can governor of Iowa in 1868, and re-elected in 1870, serving 1868-72. The new capitol building, for which he laid the corner-stone, was com- menced during liis administration. He was pre- sident of the Citizens' National Bank of Des Moines, Iowa, 1872-86 ; superintendent of the public schools and trustee of Iowa college 1867- »9. He died in Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 31, 1899. MERRILL, Selah, diplomatist, was born in Canton Centre, Conn., May 2, 1837; son of Daniel and Lydia (Richards) Merrill ; grandson of Daniel and Diadama (Mills) Merrill and a descendant of Nathaniel Merrill, an original pro- prietor of Newbury, Mass. , 1 635. He matriculated at Yale in the class of 1863, but left before grad- uation, entered the New Haven Theological seminary, and was ordained to the Congre- gational ministry in 1864. He served as chaplain of the 49th U.S. Colored infantry at Vicksburg, Miss., 1864-65 ; preached successively at Chester, Mass., Le Roy, N.Y., San Francisco, Cal., and Salmon Falls, N.H., 1865-68, and studied in German universities, 1868-70. He was married, April 27, 1875, to Adelaide Brewster, daughter of Oliver B. Taylor, M.D., of Manchester, Conn , a lineal descendant of Elder Brewster of Plymouth. He was archaeologist of the American Palestine I'xploration society in the Holy Land, 1874-77, was U.S. consul at Jerusalem, 1882-86, and 1S91-94, and was reappointed in 1898, his term of .ippointment to end in 1906. While in Jerusalem lie discovered and excavated the second wall of Jerusalem, olitside of which Christ was crucified, and thus he secured evidence of great value as to the disputed site of Calvary. He made a large collection of Palestinian coins, utensils, birds, mammals and various natural objects while in the Holy Land and became curator of the iiihlical Museum of Andover Theological semi- nary in 1889. He received the honorary degree of A.M. from Yale in 1880 "for special services in biblical learning ;" D.D. from Iowa college in 1S75, and LL.D. from Union college in 1884. He was a member of the Society of Biblical Litera- ture and Exegesis and of the British Society of Biblical Archreology. He contributed numerous articles to the Bibliotheca Sacra and other periodicals, also to various cyclopaedias, English and American, and several reports to the con- sular monthly reports published by the U.S. government. He is the author of : East of the Jordan (1881): Oalilee in the Time of Christ (1881); parts of Picturesque Palestine (1882-83); Oreek Inscriptions Collected in the Years 1875-77 in the Country East of the Jordan (1885); Tlie Site of Calvary (1886); and Reports of the Country East of the Jordan, in the Fourth State- ment of the American Palestine Exploration Society (1887).

MERRILL, Stephen Mason, M.E. bishop, was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, Sept. 16, 1825 ; son Of Joshua and Rhoda (Crosson) Merrill : grandson of William Merrill, and a descendant of Nathaniel Merrill, Newbury, 1635. He attended the public schools and South Salem academy, and joined the Ohio conference in 1846 as a travelling preacher. He preached in Ohio and Kentucky until 1872, when he was elected a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church. He was married, July 18, 1848, to Anna, daughter ot John Bellmire, of Greenfield, Ohio. He received the degrees D.D. from Ohio Wesleyan, 1868, and LL.D. from Northwestern, 1886. He was editor of the Western Christian Advocate at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1868-72, and is the author of: Christian Baptism (1876); Neio Testament Idea of Hell (1878); The Second Coming of Christ (1879); Aspects of Christian Experience (1882); Digest of Methodist Law (1885); Outline Tlioughts on Pro- hibition (1886); Mary of Nazareth and Her Family ; Tlie Union of American Methodism ; The Crisis of This World and Sanctification.

MERRILL, Wniiam Henry, editor, was born in Stockton, N.Y., July 3, 1840 ; son of Eli and Ann Maria (Burr) Merrill ; grandson of Asa Mer- rill, and a descendant of Nathaniel Merrill, and of Eli Burr, one of the original settlers of Hart- ford, Conn., in 1635. He was editor of the Westerm New Yorker, 1861-75 ; a member of the New York state constitutional convention in 1867 ; associate editor of the Golden Rule, Boston, 1875-80, and leading editorial writer of the Boston Herald, 1880-86. He was twice married : first, in 1863, to Flora A. Judd, of Warsaw, N.Y., and, secondly, in 1883, to Julia M. C. Beecher Briggs of Boston, Mass. In 1886 he became an editorial writer on the New York World, and in 1888 the editor, under Joseph Pulitzer.

MERRIMAN, Daniel, clergyman, was born in Manchester, Vt., Dec. 3, 1838; son of Addison and Prudence (Adams) Merriman ; grandson of Capt. Daniel and Martha (Taggert) Merriman and of John and Prudence (White) Adams, and a descendant of Lieut. Nathaniel Merri- man, New Haven, Conn., 1643. He was graduated from Williams college, A.B., 1863, A.M., 1866, and frpm Andover Theological seminary in 1868. He ser\'ed in the civil war as 1st lieutenant and adjutant, 132d Illinois volunteers. He was ordained to the Congregational ministry, Sept. 30, 1868, and was pastor of the Broadway church, Norwich, Conn., 1868-75. He was married, Sept. 1, 1874, to Helen, daughter of Erastus Brighara and Eliza Frances (Means) Bigelow (q.v.). He was without charge in Boston, Mass., 1875-77, and was installed pastor of the Central church, Worcester, Mass., in 1878. He was a trustee and secretary of the corporation of the Worcester