Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 08.djvu/246

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college at Florence, Ala. He was married Jan. 23, 1832, to Jane, daugliter of Gen. Jolin and Mary (Brahan) Locke, of Huntsville, Ala. Tlnee sons served in the Confederate army, two of wliom were killed. Governor Patton died at Sweet- water, near Florence, Ala., Feb. 29, 1885.

PATTON, William, author, was born in Phil- adelphia. Pa.. Ang. 23. 1798; son of Col. Robert and Cornelia (Bridges) Patton and a descendant of Robert Patton of Scotch Irish descent, who came to America in 1762 and served as an officer in the Revolution. William Patton was graduated from Middlebury college, Vt., in 1818, and was a student at Princeton Theological seminary. 1819-20. He was married in 1819 to ilary, daughter of Zachariah and Mary (Fisk) Weston of Lincoln. He was stated supply and pastor of the Central Presbyterian church. New York city, 1821-34 ; secretary of the American Educational society, 1834-37 ; and was pastor in New York city, 1837-52. He removed to New Haven, Conn., in 1854. He was one of the organizers of the Worlds Evangelical Alliance in

1846 ; and was a founder of the University of the City of New York in 1831, and of Union The- ological seminary, New York, in 1836. He was a member of the executive committee of the Amer- ican Home Missionary society, 1830-70 ; vice president of that society, and of the American Missionary association, and a corporate member of the A.B.C.F.M. He was married secondly to Mrs. Mary Bird of Pliiladelphia, and thirdly to Mrs. Emily T. Hayes of New Haven. The hon- orary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by tlie University of the City of New York in 1836. He edited President Jonathan Edwards's work on Revivals, and Charles G. Finney's Lectures on Revivals (1839); prepared the American editions of the Cottage BHAe. and theT'i7/«f7e Testament (1833), and was assistant editor of the Christian Psalmist (\8i&). He is the author of : The Laws of Fermentation and the Wines of the Ancients (1871); The Judgmeiit of Jerusalem. Predicted in Scripture, Fulfilled in History (1879): Jestis of Nazareth (1878) : Bible Principles and Characters (1879). He died in New Haven, Conn., Sept. 9, 1879.

PATTON, William Weston, educator, was born in New York city, Oct. 19, 1821 ; son of William and Mary (Weston) Patton. He was graduated from the University of the City of New York, A.B., 1839, A.M., 1842, and from the Union Tiieo- logical seminary, 1842, and was ordained in 1843. He was pastor of the Pliillips Congregational church, Boston, Mass., 1843-46 ; at Hartford, Conn., 1846-57, and at Chicago, 111., 1857-67; editor of Advance, Chicago, 111., 1867-72; west- ern secretary of the American Missionary asso- ciation, 1873-74 ; lecturer at Oberlin and Chicago theological seminaries, 1874-77, and president of Howard university, Washington, D.C., 1877-89. He was married Jan. 11, 1843, to Sarah Jane, daughter of Horatio and JIaria (Pettit) Mott of New York, who died in 1850 ; and secondly, in 1851. to Mary Boardman, daughter of Norman Smith. She died in 1880. He was a corporate member of the A.B.C.F.M., 1869-89; a member of the Society of the Cincinnati ; vice-president of the Sanitary Commission of the Northwest, and an honorary member of the Society of Sciences, Literature and Art, London. England. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Indiana Asbury university in 1862, and by the University of the City of New York in 1882. He is the author of : The Duties of Cliristians to Supjvess Duelling ( 1844) ; The Amer- ican Board and Slave Holding (1846); Pro-Slav- ery Interpretation of the Bible Productive of Infidelity (1846); The Young Mans Friend (1847); Conscience and Law (1850); Piety and Military Services (1861); Spiritual Vieto7^ {187-i) ; Prayer audits Remarkable Answers (1875); Count Tolstoi and the Sermon on the Mount (1887). He died at W^stfield, N.J.. Dec. 31, 1889.

PAUL, Gabriel Rene, soldier, was born in St. Louis, Mo., March 22, 1813 ; son of Col. Rene and Eulalie (Chouteau) Paul, and grandson of Eus- tache and Marie Anne Scholastique (^lasse) Paul, and of Auguste and Marie Therese (Cerre) Chou- teau. Eustache Paul, a native of France, settled at Cape Frangais, Santo Domingo, and Col. Rene Paul was colonel of engineers under Napoleon, serving on the French flag ship at Trafalgar. He immigrated to Philadelphia, Pa. , engaged in mer- cantile pursuits in St. Louis, Mo., 1808-13, and was afterward a surveyor of government lands. Gabriel was graduated at the U.S. Military academy and brevetted 2d lieutenant in the 7th infantry, July 1, 1834 ; was promoted 2d lieutenant, Dec. 4, 1834, and 1st lieutenant, Oct. 26, 1836. He served in the Florida war, 1839-42 ; was promoted captain, April 19, 1846, and served in the war with Mexico, being engaged in the defence of Fort Brown, the battle of Monterey, the siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo (where he was wounded), Contreras, Churubusco. Molino