Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 08.djvu/25

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1894-97 ; Natick, 1898-1900, and Webster, from 1901. He was elected secretary of the confer- ence in 1889 ; secretary and treasurer of the Con. ference Missionary society in 1886, and lecturer on missions at Boston University School of Theo- logy in 1888. He was a delegate to the general conference of the M.E. church held at Chicago in 1900. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Weslej'an university in 1891. He is the author of : Handbook of Methodism, prepared for and dedicated to the Methodist Church of India (Lucknow, 1877) ; and History of Methodism (Luoknow, 1878) ; and editor of : Good Stories for the Family Circle and Leisure Hour (1878) ; Good Stories and Best Poems (1879, 2d ser. 1882) ; Spiritual Songs (1880) ; Monitor (1897), and trans- lation of Easy Lessons for Infant Scholars, all published in Lucknow. He is also the author of : Faber (1885) ; A Memorial Portraiture of the Rev. Z. A. Madge (1890) ; The Pastor's Mission- ary Manual (1891); Groivth in Holiness (1895) ; The Best of Browning (1898) ; Honey from Many Hives (1899) ; China (1900).

MUDQE, Thomas Hicks, educator, was born in Orrington, Maine, Sept. 27, 1815 ; son of James and Ruth (Atwell) Mudge. He was graduated atWesleyan university A.B., 1840, A.M. 1843; studied at Union Theological seminary, New York city, 1840-43 ; joined the New England confer- ence, 1843, and labored in the itinerancy, 1843-57. He was professor of sacred literature, McKendrie college, Lebanon, 111., 1857-58; member of the Southern Illinois conference, 1858 ; of the Mis- souri conference, 1859-61 ; was at Manhattan, Kan., 1861-62, and professor of ancient languages and Biblical literature at Baker university, Bald- win City, Kan., 1862. He was married about 1842 to B. Lucinda Grover. He is the author of : Inquiry into the Meaning of H Peter Hi. 13 (1850) ; Was Pharaoh Destroyed in the Red Sea ? (1860), published in the Methodist Quarterly Review and Ladies Repository respectively. He died in Bald- win City, Kan., July 24, 1862.

MUDQE, Zachariah Atwell, author, was born in Orrington, Maine, July 2, 1813 ; son of James and Ruth (Atwell) Mudge. He taught school at Topsfield, 1832-34, at Lynn, 1834-35; entered Wesleyan university in 1835, but left in April, 1837, and taught in private families in Missis- sippi and as principal of the male department, Woodville aCademy, 1837-40 . He was ordained in 1839 and joined the New England conference, 1840, his itinerancy being confined to eastern Massachusetts, 1840-88. He edited Guide to Holi- ness, 1858-62. He was married in 1842 to Caro- line Williams Goodridge of Boston, Mass. He received the honorary degree of A.M. from Wes- leyan in 1882. He is the author of over forty Sunday-school books (1847-1880), including : Tlie

Easy Lesson Book for Infant Scholars, of which over 100,000 copies were sold, and of Sketches of Mission Life among the Lidians of Oregon (1854) ; TJie Christian Statesman (1865) ; Witch Hill (1870) ; Arctic Heroes {1874) ; North Pole Voyages (1875) ; History of Suffolk County, Mass. (1874); Fur Clad Adventurers (1880). He died at West- boro, Mass., June 15, 1888.

MUHLENBERG, Frederick Augustus, ed- ucator, was born at Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 25, 1818 ; son of Dr. Frederick Augustus and Eliza (Schaum) Muhlenberg, and grandson of Gotthilf Henry Ernst and Catherine (Hall) Muhlenberg. He was graduated from Jefferson college. Pa., in 1836, and from the Princeton Theological semi- nary in 1837. He was professor at Franklin college, Lancaster, Pa., 1838-50, and of Greek in Pennsylvania college, Gettysburg, Pa., 1850- 67. He was ordained to the Lutheran ministry in 1855, and in 1867 became president of the newly organized Muhlenburg college (named for his great-grandfather) at AUentown, Pa., in 1864, also serving as professor of mental and moral science, Greek and evidences of Christ- ianity in 1864-76. He resigned his connection with Muhlenberg college in 1876 ; was professor of Greek language and literature in the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1876-88, and was chosen president of Shiel college at Greenville, Pa., 1891. He was married, Aug. 8, 1848, to Catherine Anna, daughter of Maj. Peter and Anna Barbara (Meyer) Muhlenberg, The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Pennsylvania college, 1867, and that of LL.D. by Muhlenberg college, and Franklin and Marshall college, in 1887. He is the author of : translations from the German for the Evangelical Review; many addresses, including an Inaugural Address as president of Mulhenberg college (1867) and Semi- centennial Address at Pennsylvania college (1882). He died in Reading, Pa., March 21, 1901.

MUHLENBERG, Frederick Augustus Con- rad, representative, was born in Trappe, Pa., Jan. 1, 1750, second son of the Rev. Henry Melchior and Anna Mary (Weiser) Muldenberg. He received a collegiate education at Halle, Germany, and was ordained to the Lutheran ministry, Oct. 25, 1770, upon his return with his brother, Gotthilf Heinricli Ernst, from Germany. He assisted his father at Trappe, 1780-83, was pastor of Christ church in New York city, 1773- 76, and upon the outbreak of the Revolution was obliged to leave New York on account of his outspoken sympathy for the patriot cause. He resided with his father at Trappe, 1776-77, and then removed to New Hanover, Pa., and was pastor of the Lutheran congregations there, at Oby and at New Goshenhoppen , Pa. , until August, 1779, when he retired from the ministry to accept