Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 08.djvu/252

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secondly to Elizabeth Spaulding, of Plainfield, Conn. Their son Elisha, Jr. (1763-1808), Dart- mouth, 1784, practised law in Lebanon, and married Lydia Collins, of Mansfield. N.H. Elisha Payne, the elder, received the honorary degree A.M. from Dartmouth in 1779. He died in Leba- non, N.H., July 20. 1807.

PAYNE, Henry B., senator, was born in Ham- ilton, Madison county, N.Y., Nov. 30, 1810 ; son of Judge Elisha and Esther (Douglass) Payne. He was graduated at Hamilton, college, A.B. 1832, and practised law in Cleveland, Ohio, 1834-46. He was a presidential elector on the Cass and Butler ticket in 1848 ; a Democratic state senator, 1849-51 ; was defeated for the U.S. senate by Benjamin F. Wade, after an exciting canvass in 1851, and for governor of Ohio by Salmon P. Chase in 1857, by 1,503 votes. He was a delegate to the Democratic national conventions of 1856, 1860 and 1872, and chairman of the Ohio delega- tion at the last named. He was a Democratic representative from the twentieth Ohio district in the 44th congress, 187-5-77, being chairman of tlie committee on banking and currency, and re- ported a bill for the gradual resumption of specie payment. He was also chairman of the con- ference committee on the silver bill ; of the com- mittee on the electoral bill ; of the conference committee on the counting of the electoral votes for president and vice-president, and a member of the electoral commission. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1880 and 1884, and .succeeded George H. Pendle- ton as U.S. senator, serving, 1885-91. Subsequently he was connected with railroad corporations, was a heavy investor in Lake Superior mining stocks, and at his death his .estate was estimated at over $5,000,000. He was married to a daughter of Nathan Perry, a pioneer merchant of Ohio ; his son, Nathan Perrj' Payne, was mayor of Cleve- land, and another son, Oliver H. Payne, was colonel of the 124th Oliio volunteers during the civil war, and afterwards treasurer of the Stan- dard Oil company. Senator Payne died in Cleve- land. Ohio, Sept.' 9. 1800.

PAYNE, Henry Clay, postmaster-general, was born in Ashfield, Mass., Nov. 23, 1843; son of Orion P. (1820-1886) and Eliza (Ames) (1826- 1886) Payne, who settled in Stockton, N.Y., after 1843 ; grandson of Samuel and Laura (Elmer) Payne ; great-grandson of Joseph and Anna (Billings) Paine, who removed from Ashfield, Mass., to Allegany county. N.Y. ; greats-grand- son of Joseph Ruggles (1735-1822), and Mehitable (Gittings) Paine, who removed from Braintree to Ashfield in 1767 ; greats-grandson of Samuel Paine, born 1689 ; greats-grandson of Stephen Paine, born 1652 ; and greats-grandson of Stephen Paine, who came to Massachusetts with his

father, Moses Paine, and lived in Braintree after 1628. Joseph Ruggles Paine was a soldier in the American Revolution. Henry Clay Payne at- tended Franklin academy, Shelburne Falls, Mass. ; was clerk in the post office there, and removed in 1863 to Milwaukee, Wis., where he was cashier in a dry goods store, 1803-67. He was mar- ried, Oct. 15, 1867, to Lydia W., daughter of Richard Van Dyke, Jr., of New York city, whose ancestor, Franz ClaessenVan Dyck settled on Man- hattan Island about the middle of the 17th cen- tury. They had no children. He was chairman of the Young Men's Republican club ; secretary and chairman of the Republican county com- mission ; secretary and chairman of the Republi- can state central committee ; a member of the Republican national committee from 1880, and a delegate to the Republican national conven- tions of 1888 and 1892. He was postmaster of Milwaukee, 1876-86 ; was elected president of the Milwaukee electric railwaj' and light compan)- in 1889 ; was president of the American Street railwaj' association, 1893-94, and receiver of North- ern Pacific railway, 1893-95. He was appointed U. S. postmaster-general by President Roosevelt, Jan. 15, 1902, to succeed Charles Emory Smith, resigned.

PAYNE, John, missionary bishop at Cape Palmas, Africa, and 52d in succession in the American episcopate, was born in Westmoreland county, Va., Jan. 9, 1815; a descendant of John Payne, who emigrated from England to the Vir- ginia colony with his brother William in 1620, armed with chartered rights to appropriate land obtained through their brother. Sir Robert Payne, a member of the London Charter company. He was graduated at William and Mary college, Virginia, A.B. , 1833, and at the Virginia Theolo- gical seminary in 1836. He was ordered deacon in Christ church, Alexandria, by Bishop Richard Channing Moore, July 17, 1836, and immediately sailed for the missionary field in Africa, where he remained until his return to the United States in 1841. He was ordained priest in St. George's church, Fredericksburg, Va., by Bishop Moore. July 18, 1841 ; served as a missionary in Africa, 1841-51, and was consecrated bishop of Cai)e Pal- mas and parts adjacent, in Christ Church, Alexan- dria, Va., July 11, 1851, bj- Bishops Meade. East- burn, Lee and Johns. He returned to the United States^completely broken in health, and his resig- nation was accepted by the House of Bishops in October, 1871. He received the degi-ee D.D. from William and Mary college in 1851. He died at Cavalla. Westinonlm. I county. Va.. Oct. 23. 1874. PAYNE, John Howard, dramatist, was born in New York city, June 9, 1791 ; son of William and Sarah (Isaacs) Payne, and a descendant of Thomas Paine, who emigrated from England to