Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 08.djvu/302

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■ o lie erecTBU iv ii;,-i ii'.era- >vport, R.I. He died in

,. ,. 1, 1858.

PERRY, Matthew Caibraitb, naval officer,

was born in 1831; son of Matthew and Jane

(Slidell) Perry. He entered the U.S. navy as

midshipman, June 1, 1835, and was ordered to the

itp Potomac. He served as acting njaster of

lig Somers, under Commander Alexander

' 1^ iizie, and was one of the oflicers to

I the immediate execution of three

,i;jiutinous crew. H^ '^"'■^"'^<' <' f"*^ ^f>^xi-

ar on the frigate Cu,. m-

i.ned lieutenant in the:\,

ind served on the coast sui vey. lie was

iiissioned captain, and was rehired from

service, April 4, 1867. He died in New

Mty, Nov. 16, 1878.

RRY, Nora, author, was born in Dudley,

. in 1841. She removed to Pro%idt'nce, R.I.,

her parents in childliood, and was educated

ine and in private schools. At the age of

h.< wrote her first story, " The Shipwreck,"

never published, and in ISSft she be-

<•■ for publication, H'T HrKf. pulilished

red in a n^i: "■■'^t

l>oem, " Tv- f

. . «ud

inb," in

, . rt^moved

'«ton, Mass respondent < C