Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 08.djvu/386

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Boston, in Winsor's "Memorial History of Bos- ton; ■' The West, 17(J,1SJ, in Winsor's "Narrative ami Critical History of America" Tlte Early yorthirest (1889), and pajiers on library econ- omy. Hi> .lied in Evanston, III., March 1, 1894.

POOR, Charles Henry, naval officer, was born in Cambri.l-c, Mass.. June 11, 1808; son of Moses and Cliarlotte (White) Poor; grandson of Eliphalet and Elizal)etli (Little) Poor, and of Calvin and Mary (Lucas) White, and a descend- ant of John Poore, who came from Wiltshire, England, to Newbury, Mass., in 1685. He was warranted a midshipman in the U.S. navy, March 1, 182:}; promoted midshipman, March 29, 1829, and lieutenant, Dec. 31. 18:33. He was married, May 13, 18:]5, to Mattie Lindsay, daughter of Dr. Rol>ert Doling and Mattie (Lindsay) Stark of Norfolk, Va. He was promoted commander, Sept. 14, 18")"), and after service on various vessels in the different naval squadrons, 1823-60, he com- manded the St. Louis of the home squadron, 1860-61. He was in command of an expedition sent to the relief of Fort Pickens, Fla., in 1861; comnianded the frigate Roanoke of the North At- lantic blockad- ing squadron, 1861-62, and ran the Confederate batteries at Se- wall's Point, Va., '■='^^^~^ when en route through Hamp- ton Roads to Newport News to aid the fleet at- tacked by the Confederate ram Merrimac. He was promoted commodore, Jan. 2, 1863, com- maiKled the Sarauac of the Pacific squadron, 186:}-«"), and secured the release of the U.S. mail steamer, unlawfully detained at Panama. He was promf>ted rear-admiral, Sept. 20, 1868, and was retire.l, June 9, 1870. He was a member of the retiring board, 1871-72, and resided in Wasliing- ton. D.C., up to the time of his death, which occurred, Nov. Fj, 1882.

POOR, Daniel, missionary, was born in Danvers, Mass.. June 27, 1789; son of Joseph and Mary (Abl>ot) Poor; grandson of Tliomas and Mary (Ailams) Poor and t>f George and Hannah (Love- joy) Abbot, and a descendant of Daniel Poor, who came from Andover. England, in 16;}8. fourteen years of age, landing in Boston an<l going inmie- diately to Newbury, Mas.s., removing thence a few yi-ars later to Andover or Cochicawic. He married Mary Farnum. who came from England. Daniel Poor, the mis-sionary, wa.s graduated at Dartmouth, A.B., 1811, A.M., 1814, and at An- dorer Theological seminary in 1814, and was ordained at Newburyport, Mass., June 21, 1815.


He was married to Susan Bullfmch and they ac- companied other missionaries to Ceylon, sailing from New York in October, 1815, and arriving in India in Marcli, 1816. He organized a mission- school at Tillipally, and after twenty years' work thei-e, removed to Matura, Southern India, where he labored, 18:36-49, establishing thirty-seven schools. In 1849-51 he was in the United States engaged in presenting the claims of his mi.ssion field to the churches. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Dartmouth in 1835. He was ' stationed at Manepy, Ceylon, until his death there by cliolera. Fdi. 3. 1855.

POOR, Daniel Warren, clergyman and edu- cator, was born in Tillipally, Ceylon, Aug. 21, 1818; son of the Rev. Daniel and Susan (Bull- fincli) Poor, the missionaries. He was graduated at Amherst, A.B., 1827, A.M., 1840, and attended Andover Theological seminary, 1840-42. He was ordained to the Presb\'terian ministry, March 1, 1843, and was pastor of Central church. Fair- haven, Mass., 1843-49, and of the High Street Presbyterian church, Newark, N.J., 1849-69, dur- ing which time he established the German Theol- ogical seminaiy at Bloomfield and oi-ganized Ger- man churches in Newark. He was pastor of the first Presbyterian Church, Oakland, Cal., 1869-71, and professor of ecclesiastical history and churqli government in the Sau Francisco Theological seminary, 1871-76, which institution he organized. He also organized the Union church of San Lor- enzo, Cal., and was secretary of the Presbj'terian board of education in Philadelphia, Pa., 1876-93. He was married in October, 1847, to Susan Helen, daughter of Benjamin Ellis. He received the degree of D.D. from the College of New Jersey in 1857. He was one of the editors of Lange's " Commentary " and published Select Discotirses from the French and German with the Rev. Henry C. Fisli (1858), and The Ejjistlcs to the Corinthi- ans with the Rev, Conway P. "Wing from the German of Lange (1868). He died in Newark, N. J., Oct. 11, 1897.

POOR, Enoch, soldier, was born in Andover, Mass., June 21, 1736. He attended school at An- dover, and removed to Exeter, N. H., about 1765, wliere he was actively engaged in shipbuilding and mercantile pursuits until the outbreak of the Revolution, wlien he organized the troops fur- nished by the general assembly into three regi- ments, of one of which he was elected colonel. May 23, 1775. He was sent to New York after the evacuation of Boston by the British, was transferred to the 8th Continental infantry. Jan. 1, 1776. and joined Arnold's expedition into Can- ada. He was at Crown Point after the American army returned from Canada, and when General Schuyler determined to evacuate. Colonel Poor with other oflicers appealed to General Washing-