Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 08.djvu/50

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NAQLE, James, soldier, was born in Reading, Pa., April '), 18'22. He enlisted in the 1st Penn- sylvania volunteers upon the outbreak of the war with Mexico, and was stationed at Perote Castle in command of a regiment, to keep open com- munication with Vera Cruz during the siege. He was present at the battles of Huamantla, Puebla and Atlixco, and after the capture of the city of Mexico, Sept. 14, 1837, was stationed at San Angel. He was mustered out of service at Phil- adelphia, Pa., July 27. 1848, and was presented with a sword by the citizens of Schuylkill county. Pa. He was commissioned colonel of the 6th Pennsylvania regiment in 1861, and later in the year organized the 48th Pennsylvania reg- iment, of which lie was made colonel. He com- manded the 1st brigade, 2nd division, 9th armj' corps. Army of the Potomac, and was engaged in the battles of South Mountain. Md., Sept. 14, 1862; Crampton's Gap., Sept 14, 1862, and Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. He made a gallant effort to approach and cross Antietam bridge, which, although futile, prepared the way for the subsequent capture of the bridge. He was commissioned brigadier-general, Sept. 10, 1862. and on March 13, 1863. his commission was renewed, and he served in Kentucky until May 9, 1863, when he resigned. He organized the 39th Pennsylvania regiment in June, 1863, and was commissioned its colonel. He commanded a brigade during Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, and was honorably mustered out of .service, Aug. 2, 1863. He organized and was colonel of the 149th Pennsylvania regiment in 1864, and guarded the approaches to Baltimore. He died in Pottsville, Pa., Aug. 22, 1866.

NAQLEE, Henry Morris, soldier, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. l.j, 1815. He was graduated from tiie U.S. Military academy in 1835, and was appointed to the 5th infantry. He resigned his commission, Dec. 31, 1835, and en- gaged as a civil engineer, 183.5-46. At the out- break of the war with Mexico, he was commis- sioned a captain in the 1st New York volunteers, Aug. 15, 1846. He served throughout the war in California, and engaged in the banking business in San Franciso, 1849-61. He was re-appointed to the U.S. army, as lieutenant-colonel of the 16th U.S. infantry. May 14. 1861, and resigned, Jan. 10, 1862. to accept appointment as brigadier-gen- eral in the volunteer service. Feb. 4. 1862. He took part in the defence of Washington; in the Peninsula campaign of 1862, wiiere he com- manded the 1st brigade, 3d division, 4th army corps, at Williamsburg, Va., May 6. 1862, and wa.s charged with the defence of White Oak cros.sing. He commanded the 1st brigade, 2d

division, 4th army corps, at the battle of Seven Pines, May 31, 1862, where he was severely wounded, and the same brigade in the seven days battle about Richmond, Va., June 26 — July 2, 1862. He commanded a division in the depart- ment of North and South Carolina, in 1863, and was in command of the 7th army corps. July to August, 1863, at Harper's Ferry, Va., and in com- mand of the District of Virginia, August and September, 1863. He was on waiting orders at Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1863, to April 4, 1864, when he was mustered out of service. He re- turned to San Francisco where he resumed his banking business; established vineyards in San Jose, Cal., and engaged in distilling brandy. He died in San Francisco, Cal., March 5, 1886.

NANCE, Albinus, governor of Nebraska, was born at Lafayette, 111., March 30, 1848; son of Hiram and Sarah (Smith) Nance; grandson of William and Nancy (Smith) Nance, and of French Huguenot ancestry. He prepared for college in the schools of Lafayette and Kewanee. III.; enlisted as a private in company H., 9th Illinois volunteer cavalry, April 24, 1864, and served un- til the close of the civil war. He matriculated at Knox col- lege, Galesburg, in the class of 1870, but left at the close of his freshman year and began the study of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1872 and practised in Osceola, Neb. He was married, Sept. 30, 1875, to Sarah, daugh- ter of Egbert and Mary White of Farragut, Iowa. He was elected governor of Nebraska in 1879, and after the close of his second term in 1883, engaged as a banker and broker in Chicago, III.

NAPHEN, Henry Francis, repre.sentative, was born in Ireland, Aug. 14, 1852. He immigrated to America with his parents in his youth and set- tled in Lowell, Mass. He attended the public schools; pursued a course of studj' under private tutors; was graduated at Harvard Law school, LL.B., 1878; took a post-graduate course there, and subsequently attended Boston University Law .school. He was admitted to the bar in 1880 and practised in Boston. He was a member of the school committee of the city, 1882-85; state senator, 1885-86; was appointed bail commission- er by the justice of the superior court, and was a Democratic representative in the .56th and 57lh congresses. 1899-1903.

NASH, Abner, delegate, was born in Prince Edward county, Va., Aug. 8, 1716, of Welsh ancestrj'. He removed with his parents to New Berne, N.C., where he attended school, studied