Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 09.djvu/373

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mitted to the bar in August, 1856. He was mar- ried, Feb. 26, 1857, to Elizabeth, daughter of Katharine and Elizabeth (Tabb) Mitchell of Springfield, Ohio. He served as aid and judge advocate on Maj.-Gen. F. J. Herron's staff, in Missouri. Arkansas and Louisiana, 1862-64 ; re- sumed the practice of law in Dubuque, and was appointed U.S. judge of the northern district of Iowa, Aug. 4, 1882. The honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Yale in 1886. Judge Shiras is the author of : Equity Practice in Circuit Courts of the United States.

SHIRLAW, Walter, artist, was born in Paisley, Scotland, Aug. 6, 1838. He came to the United States in 1840 ; became a bank-note en- graver, and in 1861 exhibited at the National Academy. In 1868 he became a member of the Cliicago Academy of Design. He studied with noted artists in Munich, 1870-77, his specialty being genre pictures, although later he was known as a decorator and illustrator. He was one of the founders and the first president of the Society of American Artists ; a teacher of com- position at the Art Students' League, N.Y. ; was made an associate of the National Academy, 1887, and an Academician, 1888. His paintings include: The Toning of the Bell (1874); Sheep- Shearingin the Bavarian Highlands (1876), which won honorable mention at the Paris Exhibition, 1878 ; Good Morning (1876) ; Indian Girl and Venj Old (1880); Gossip (1884); and Jealousy (1S8G).

SHOEMAKER, Michael Myers, author, was born in Covington. Ky., June 26. 18-53; son of Robert Myers and Mary Colegate (Steiner) Shoe- maker ; grandson of Maj. Robert and Catherine (Myers) Shoemaker and of Capt. Henry and Rachel (Murray) Steiner, and a descendant of Lieut. Thomas " Schumacher" who landed in 1710, and of Capt. Hanyoost Herkimer who lanJed 1718. He attended the public schools ; matriculated at Cornell university in the class of 1874, leaving at the end of his second year, and immediately began a life of travel for the pur- pose of studying the different nationalities of the world. He is the autlior of : Eastivard to the Land of Mor7iing {XSd'S) ; Kingdom of the IMiite Woman (1894) : Sealed Provinces of the Tsar (1895); Island of the Southern Seas {1891:) ; Quaint Corners of Ancient Empires. (ISdQ); Palccces and Prisons of Mary, Queen of Scots (1901); and Tlie Great Siberian Railway,

SHORT, Charles, educator, was born in Haver- hill, Mass.,^ May 28. 1821 ; son of Charles and Rebecca (George) Short and grandson of Joseph Short, of Newburyport, Mass. He attended Phillips academy, Andover, was graduated at Harvard, A.B., 1846. A.M., 1849. and completed a post graduate course there in 1847. He was prin-

cipal of the Classical public s'^hool at Roxbury Mass., and of a private classical school in Phil- adelphia, Pa., 1847-03. He was president and professor of mental and moral philosophy in Kenyon college, Ohio, 1863-67, and professor of Latin in Columbia college. New York cit}-, 1868- 86. He served as a member of the American committee on the I'evision of the New Testament and was made secretary of the committee. He was a member of the principal learned societies in the United States and received the degree LL.D. from Kenj'on college in 1868. A tablet was erected to his memory in St. Thomas's church, New York city. He contributed to periodical literature, edited and revised Scliinitz and Zumpt's " Advanced Latin Exercises " (1860) ; Mitchell's new " Ancient Geography " ana with Charlton T. Lewis, Andrew S. Freund's "Latin Lexicon (1876). He made translations from the German for Herzog's " Real Encyclopaedia " (1860), and is the autlior of an essay " On the Order of Words in Attic-Greek Prose " prefixed to Yonge's English-Greek Lexicon (1870) and one of the authors of " Harper's Latin Lexicon." He died in New York city, Dec. 24, 1886.

SHORT, Charles Wilkins, botanist, was born in Woodford county, Ky.. Oct. 6, 1794; son of Maj. Peyton and Maria (Symmes) Sliort, and grandson of the Hon. John Cleves and Anna (Tuthill) Symmes. He was graduated at Tran- sylvania university, A.B., 1810, A.M., 1813, and at the University of Pennsylvania, M.D. , in 1815. He engaged in practice in Woodford county, 1815-25 ; was professor of materia medica and medical botany in Transylvania university, 1825- 37 ; and active in establishing the medical school of the University of Louisville in 1838, where he was a professor, 1838-49. He made a botanical collection, which he left in his will to the Smith- sonian Institution, and it was afterward trans- ferred to the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. He was an associate editor of the Transylvania Journal of Medicine, 1828-39, and the author of: Plants of Kentucky with Dr. Robert Peter and Henry A. Griswold. He died in Louisville. Ky.. ^March 7, 1863.

SHORT, John Thomas, historian, was born at Gallon, Ohio. May 1, 1850. He was graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan university. A.B., 1868, A.M., 1871 ; Drew Theological seminary, B.D., 1871, and the Ohio State university. Ph.D., 1883. He entered the Cincinnati conference. 1872 ; was manned to Ella Critchfield of Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 29, 1872 ; was pastor in Ohio at Davidson Chapel, Dayton, 1872 ; Mt. Auburn. (Mncinnati. 1873 ; and Avondale. 1874 ; studied in Leipzig, Germany, 1875. and received the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. from the University there in 1880. He was professor of history and English literature