Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 09.djvu/462

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SPAHR, Charles Barzillal, political economist, was born in Columbus, Ohio, July 20. l«GO ; son of the Rev. Barzillai Nelson, and Elizabeth (Tall- man) Spahr ; grandson of Gideon and Phcebe (Hegler) Spahr. and of George and Jane (Douglas)

Tallman. and a descendant of Spahr, who

was born in Basle, Switzerland. He was grad- uated from Amherst college, in 1881 ; studied at Leipzig. 1884-85, and became associate editor of the Outlook in 18S6. He was married, July 5, 1892, to Jean Gurney, daughter of Lambert and Mary (Burchard) Fine, of Princeton, N.J. The honor- ary degree of Ph.D. was conferred upon him by the Sciiool of Political Science, Columbia univer- sity. N.Y., in 1880. He is the author of : Present Distribution of Wealth (189G) ; America's Working People (1900). and essays on Tlie Taxation of Latx)r ; Single Tax and Giffeus Case against Bimetallism.

SPAIQHT, Richard Dobbs, governor of North Carolina, was born in New Berne, N.C., March 25, 1758 ; sou of Richard (a member of the King's council in 1757. and secretary of North Carolina, 1762) and (Dobbs) Spaight. He was gradu- ated from the Cniversity of Glasgow ; was aide-de- camp to Gen. Richard Caswell, 1778-81 : a repre- sentative in the North Carolina legislature, 1782- 86 and 1792, and a delegate to the Continental congress, 1783-85. He was a member of the U.S. constitutional convention in 1787 ; a member of the Hillsboro, N.C., convention in 1788, and it was tlirough his efforts that North Carolina rati- fied the U.S. constitution, Nov. 21. 1789. He %yas a representative in the state legislature in 1792, and was elected first governor of North Carolina vinder the constitution in 1792. He was a presi- dential elector in 1793, and in 1797 was elected a representative in the 5th congress, to fill the va- cancy caused by the death of Nathan Bryan in 1798, and was re-elected to the 6th congress, serv- ing, 1798-1801. He was state senator, 1801-02. He was a charter trustee of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1802, and president of the board of trustees, 1793-95. He was challenged to a duel by his successor in congress, John Stanley, and was mortally wounded. He died in New Berne. N.C.. Sept. 0. 1802.

SPAIGHT, Richard Dobbs, governor of North Carolina, was born in New Berne, N.C., in 1796 ; son of Gov. Richard Dobbs Spaight. He was graduated from the University of North Carolina, A.B., 1815, A.M., 1818 ; and practiced law in New Berne. He was a representative in the state legislature, 1819-20 ; state senator, 1820-22 and 1825-34; a representative in the 18th congress, 1823-35, and was elected governor of the state in 1835, being the last governor that was elected by the legislature. He served till 1837, when he retired to his farm at New Berne and devoted

himself to agricultural pursuits. He died in New Benie. N.C., Nov. 2, IS.jO.

SPALDING, John Franklin, first bishop of Colorado and 104th in succession in the Amer- ican episcopate, was born in Belgrade, Maine, Aug. 25, 1828 ; son of John and Lydia (Coombs; Spalding, and a descendant of Edward Spalding, who came to New England in 1630, and settled at Braintree, Mass. He was brought up on his father's farm with few educational advantages, and when he reached manhood he prepared him- self for college, paying for his tuition by manual labor on neighboring farms. He was graduated at Bowdoin, A.B., 1853, A.M., 1856, and at the General Theological seminary in 1857. He was admitted to the diaconate by Bishop Burgess at St. Stephen's, Portland, Maine. July 8, 1857, and advanced to the priesthood, at Christ Church, Gar- diner, Maine, July 14, 1858. He was a missionary worker in St. James's parish, Oldtown, Maine, 1857-58 ; rector of St. George's, Lee, Mass., 1858- 60; curate at Grace church. Providence. R.I.* 1860-61 ; acting rector of St. John's. Providence, R.I..1861-62, and rector of St. Paul's, Erie, Pa.. 1862-73. He Avas elected missionary bishop of Colorado, which included the territory of Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming, at the general con- vention of Oct. 24, 1873, and he was consecrated in St. Paul's, Erie, Pa., Dec. 31. 1873, by Bishop McCoskry, assisted by Bishops Bedell. Talbot, Coxe and Kerfoot. He was successor to the Rt. Rev. George Maxwell Randall (q.v.) and when the diocese of Colorado was organized in 1887, and admitted in October. 1889. St. John's, Denver, was made the Cathedral church, and lie became the first diocesan. He founded St. Luke's hospital, 1881 ; established the College of St. John the Evangelist, with Mathews Hall as the theological school, Wolfe Hall, a school for girls, and Jervis Hall, a school for boys : a home for consump- tives, and over two score new churches with com- fortable rectories. He received the honorary de- gree of D.D. from Trinity college, Conn., in 1874. He is the author of: Modern Infidelity (1862) ; Hymns from the Hymnal (1872); T7ie Cathedral System (1880) ; TTie Higher Education of Women

(1886) ; The Church and Its Apostolic Ministry

(1887) ; Socialism and Other Arguments (1903). He died while on a visit to his son. the Rev. F. S. Spalding, at Erie. Pa.. March 9. 1902.

SPALDING, John Lancaster, R.C. bishop, was born in Lebanon, Ky., June 2. 1840 ; son of Richard and Mary (Lancaster) Spalding ; grand- son of Richard and Henrietta (Hamilton) Spald- ing, and of John and Katherine (Miles) Lan- caster ; nephew of Bishop Spalding, of Baltimore, and a descendant of Leonard Calvert, lieutenant- general and governor of the royal province of Maryland from 1634 to 1647. He attended Mt. St.