Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 09.djvu/72

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REICHEL, Charles Qotthold, Moravian bishop, was burn in Uermsdorf, Silesia. Jul}' 14, 1751 ; son of the Rev. C. R. Reichel. a Lutheran min- ister, lie was educated in the Moravian college at Nisby. and in the theological seminary at Gradenfeld, Germany, and came to the United States in 1784 to take charge of the boys' mili- tary boarding school at Nazareth, Pa., founded by Francis Ciiristian Lembke in 1759. Under Reichel's administration the school was greatly increased, and he resigned the principalship in lyOl to receive consecration to the episcopacy of the Moravian church. He served as presiding bishop of the southern district, residing in Salem, X.C, until 1811, when he was transferred to the northern district, and resided in Bethlehem, Pa. He was present at the general synod at Herrn- hut. Saxony, in 1818. after which he resigned his appointment and continued to live in Germany. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from the University of North Carolina in 1811. He died at Niesky, Prussia, April 18, 1825.

REICHEL, Levin Theodore, Moravian bishop, was Itoin in Bethleliem. Pa., March 4, 1812; son of Bishop Charles Gotthold Reichel (q.v.). He went with his parents to Saxony in 1818 ; was educated in the Moravian college at Nisby and in the theological seminary in Gradenfeld, Germany, and returned to the United States in 1834. He taught for three years at Nazareth Hall, Pa., and subsequently in the theological seminary at Bethlehem ; served as preacher in Schoeneck, Enimaus and Nazareth, and was principal of Nazareth Hall, 1849-53. He was pastor at Lititz, Pa., 1853-54, and served as president of the pro- vincial board of the southern district, 1854-57, residing at Salem, N.C. He was president of the general synod at Herrnhut in 1858. and was made a member of the mission board, which position he continued to hold throughout his life. He was consecrated bishop, July 7, 1869, and as such visited the West Indies and Labrador. He was tiie founder and for several j'ears editor of Dan Bru'Ier Blatt. the pioneer German Moravian publication in the United States, and is the author of : History of Nazareth Hall (1855); Tlie Moravians in North Carolina (1857); 3Iissions- Atlas der Briider-Kirche (1860), and an unfinish- ed history of the American branch of the Morav- ian church. He died near Herrnhut, Saxon}', May 23, 1878.

REICHEL, WJlliaiti Cornelius, author, was born in Salem. N.C, May 9. 1^24 : .son of the Rev. G. Benjamin Reichel, principal of the Salem Female academj', and grandson of Bishop Charles Gotthold Reichel (q.v.). He attended Nazareth Hall, Pa., and was graduated from the Moravian Theological seminary in 1844. He was tutor at Nazareth Hall, 1844-48 : taught school in Beth-

lehem, Pa., 1848-58 ; was professor in the Morav- ian Theological seminary, 1858-62 ; principal of Linden seminary. Lititz, Pa., 1862-68, and i)ro- fessor of Latin and natural sciences in the Young Ladies' seminary, Bethlehem, Pa., 1868-76. He was ordained to the diaconate in 1862, and to the priesthood in May, 1864. He is the author of many books on the early history of the Moravian church, including: Historn of Nazareth Hall { 1855); Hislovy of the Bellilehcm Female Sentin(ny 1785- i.s'.7.V(1858); Moravianism in Neic York and Connec- ticut (186(/); Memorials of flie Moravian Church (1870); Wyalnsing and the Moravian 3Iission at Friedenshuetten. (1871); Names which the Lenni Lennape or Delaware Indians give to Rivers, Streams and Localities tcithin the States of Penn- sylvania, Neic Jersey, Maryland and Vircjinia, with, their Significations (1872); A Red Rose from the Olden Time (1872); The Croxni Inn near Bethlehem, Pa., 17^5 (1872) ; The Old Sun Inn at Bethlhem, Pa., 1758 (1873); A Register of Mem- bers of the Moravian Churcli 1727 to 1754 (1873) ; and a revised edition of John Heckewelder's History of the Indian Nations (1876). He died in Bethlehem. Pa.. Oct. 15, 1876.

REID, David Settle, senator, was born in Rockingham county, N.C, April 19, 1813 ; son of Reuben Reid. He attended the public school ; was admitted to the bar in 1834, and opened a law office in Wentworth. He was a member of the state senate, 1835-42 ; .jgfSSESB^^ a Democratic representative from the third North Carolina district in the 28th and 29th congresses, 1843-47 ; was de- feated for governor of the state in 1848, by Charles Manly, Whig, and was gov- ernor for two terms. 1851-54, and was U.S. senator from North Carolina, from Dec. 11, 1854, to March 3, 1859, serving as chairman of the committee on patents and the patent office. He was a delegate to the Peace convention that met in Washington, D.C, in February, 1861. He married a daughter of the Hon. Thomas Settle (q.v.). He died in Wentworth. N.C, June 19. 1891.

REID, John Morrison, educator, was born in New York city, May 30, 1820 ; son of John and Jane (Morrison) Reid. He was graduated from the University of the City of New Y^ork, A.B., 1839, A.M., 1842. and was a teacher and principal of the Mechanics' In.stitute school. New Y'ork city. 18.39-44. He entered the ministr}' of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1844; was pastor at Wolcottsville, Conn., 1844-45; New Hartford, Conn., 1846; Jamaica, N.Y., 1847-49 ; Birming- ham. Conn., 1849-50; Middletown, Conn., 1851- 52 : Seventh street, N.Y\, 1853-54 ; Brooklyn. N.Y^., 1855-56, and Bridgeport, Coun., 1857. He