member of the Societ6 Xationale des Beaux Arts,
and honorary member of the Royal Academy of
Bavaria. Among his canvases are: Coast of
Brittany (1863); Last of Old Westminster (1863) ;
At the Piano (1867) ; Portrait of Thomas Carlyle
(1872), Glasgow gallery ; Arrangement in Gray
and Black, a portrait of his mother (1872),
awarded a medal of the third class at the Salon
of 1884, and placed in the Luxembourg gallery,
1891 ; Gohl Girl (1878) ; Caprice in Purple ayid
Gold; Xoctnrne in Blue and Gold (1818), and
several otlier nocturnes : Tlie Pacific Blue Girl
(1882) ; Entrance to Sotitham2)ton Water (1882) ;
Great Fire Wheel (1883) ; and the following por-
trait subjects : Scnor Pablo Sarasate (1885) ; Miss
Ahwaudrr (1888) ; Lady Archibald Campbell
(18S8; ; Henry Irving as Philip II. of Spain; Lady
Eden (1899), and several portraits of himself. In
addition to his paintings he became famous for
his interior decorations, and still more renowned
for his etchings, the latter including over two
hundred subjects, collections of which hang in
the Queen's library at Windsor, in the British
museum, the Dresden and otlier galleries. He is
the author of four series of plates known as the
French set (185S), the Thames (1871), and the
Venice sets (1st series, 1880 ; second series, 1886).
He was awarded a gold medal at the Paris expo-
sition of 1887, and at the Hague ; the Grand Prix
at the Exposition Universelle of 1900, and received
the honorary degree of LL.D. from Glasgow uni-
versity in 1903. He published : Whistler vs.
Ruskin: Art and Art Critics; Ten O'Clock
Lectures (1888), reprinted as : Tlie Gentle Art of
Making Enemies (1890; enlarged ed., 1892);
Eden V8. Wliistler ; The Butterfly and the Baronet
(1899). See : " Four Mastersof Etching'" by Fred-
erick Wedtnore (1883). and the " State Library
Bulletin" published by the University of the
Stats of New York (May. 189.j). He died at Chel-
sea. L<^>ndon. f:ngland. July 17. 1903.
WHITAKER, Daniel Kimball, editor, was born in .Sliaron, Conn., April 30, 1801 ; son of the Rev. Jonathan Whitaker (1778-1835) ; and grandson of Nathaniel Whitaker (q.v.). He was graduated from Harvard. A.B., 1820, A.M., 1823; removed to South Carolina and was a partner of John Lyde Wilson in the practice of law. He founded and edited the Southern Literary Journal ; Whifakei-'s Magazine ; the Southern Quarterly Reiuew {]Hi\-GV,, and the Xeic Orleans Monthly iJerw-ir (1806-81). He was married in 1849 to Mary Scrimj^eour, daughter of the Rev. Samuel Furman of South Carolina, and widow of John Miller. She was a well-known poet and writer. Mr. Whitaker was a member of and correspond- ing secretary for the New Orleans Academy of Sciences. In 1S78 lie bt-came a Roman Catholic. He died in New Orleans, La., April 10, 1881.
WHITAKER, Nathaniel, clergyman, was born
in Long Island, N.Y., Feb. 22, 1732. He was
graduated from the College of New Jersey, A.B..
1752, A.M., 1755; was pastor of a Presbyterian
church at W'oodbridge, N. J., until 1759, and of
the Chelsea parish, Norwich, Conn., 1760-69, visit-
ing Great Britain in 1765 together with the Rev.
Samson Occom, under the auspices of the Connec-
ticut branch of the Scotch Society for the Ad-
vancement of Learning, for the ixirpose of obtain-
ing foreign aid for Moor's Indian Charity school at
Lebanon, Conn., under the management of
Eleazar Wheelock (q.v.). They succeeded in
soliciting the interest of the Earl of Dartmouth,
and other distinguished persons, and in securing
an endowment of £10,000. Dr. Whitaker was
subsequently actively connected with the estab-
lishment of the academy at Hanover, N.H. He
■was pastor of the Second Presbyterian church,
Salem, Mass., from 1769 until 1773, when with
fourteen friends he withdrew to form the Third
or Tabernacle church, which was united with the
Boston presbytery, Nov. 27, 1773. He was pastor
at the Plantation of Canaan (now Skowhegan),
Maine, 1784-90 ; subsequently removed to Taunton,
Mass., and afterwards to Virginia. He received
the honorary degree of D.D. from Andalusia
Theological seminary in 1767. His published
sermons include : Discourses on Reconciliation
(1768) ; Discourses on Toryism (1777). He is also
the author of : History of the Third Church (1784).
He died in Woodbridge, Va., Jan. 21, 1795.
WHITAKER, Ozi William, fifth bishop of Penn- sylvania, and 94th in succession in the American episcopate, was born in New Salem, Mass., ^laj- 10, 1830 ; son of Ira and Chloe (Wood) Whitaker. He attended New Salem and Brattleboro acade- mies, and Amherst college ; was graduated from Middlebury college in 1856 ; was principal of a high school at North Brookfield, Mass., 1856-00 ; was graduated from the General Theological semi- nary, New York city, in 1863, and was ordered deacon in Grace church, Boston, by the Rt. Rev. Manton Eastburn, and ordained preist in 1863, at St. Stephen's, Boston, by the same prelate. He was rector at Gold Hill, Nevada, 1863-65 ; Engle- wood, N.J., 1865-67, and at Virginia cit\-, Nevada, 1867-69. He was elected first missionary Bishop of Nevada in 1808. and was consecrated in St. George's, New York, Oct. 13. 1869. by Bishops Mc- Ilvaine, Eastburn and Potter, assisted by Bishops Whipple and Talbot. In 1886 he was chosen as- sistant bisiiop of Pennsylvania and on the death of Bishop Stevens, in June, 1887, he succeeded to the bishopric of the diocese as the first bishop of Pennsylvania. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on him by Kenyon in 1869 and that of LL.D. by the University of Pennsylvania in