Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 10.djvu/52

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to Emily Hepzibeth Diean of Leesburg, Va., daughter of John Drean of Belfast, Ireland, Revolutionary oflicer under I/ifayette, and of his wife, Anne Ardis of Norfolk, Va., mother of Francis Richard, John Drean and Louise Stockton (q.v.). He is the author of: Truth vs. A Wes- leyan Methodist (1820); Secen Nights (1821), a work upon temperance antedating by four years the American Temperance society; edited the works of Jolin Wesley (10 vols.); " Life of Will- iam Haziitf, and edited and published " Lives of John and Cliarles Wesley", by Dr. Whitehead. He also contributed to newspapers and magazines articles upon questions of ecclesiastical govern- ment, reform and philanthropy. He died in Burlington. N.J.. Nov. 20. 18G0.

STODDARD, Charles Augustus, journalist and author, was born in Boston, Mass., May 28, 1833; son of Charles and Mary (Noble) Porter Stoddard; grandson of Solomon and Sarah (Tap- pan) Stoddard and of Daniel and Esther Belden (Wolcott) Noble; great-grandson of Col. John Stoddard (1681-1748), of the western Massachu- setts colony, and a descendant of the Rev. Solomon Stoddard of Northampton, Mass., and of Anthony Stoddard of Boston. Charles A. Stod- dard -was graduated from Williams college, A.B., IS.o-l, A.M., 1857, where he founded and edited the Williams Quarterly Magazine, and was pres- ident of the Lyceum of Natural History. He was an instructor at Phillips academj', Andover, Mass., 1854; traveled in Europe and the Orient, 1854-56; studied at the University of Edinburgh and the Free Church of Scotland Theological seminary, 1855-5G. and after his return was grad- uated from the Union Theological seminary, New York city, B.D., 1859. He was pastor of the Washington Heights Presbyterian church, New York city. N.Y., 1859-83. He was married, Nov. 16. 1859, to Mary, daughter of Dr. Samuel Irenaeus and Elouisa Lemet (Williams) Prime. Doctor Prime was editor of the New York Observer, of which publication Mr. Stoddard became asso- ciate editor, 1869, a proprietor, 1873 and, after the death of Dr. Prime, editor and publisher from July 18, 1885. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Williams college in 1871; was President of the Williams Alumni associa- tion, 1901-02, and edited The Centennial Celebra- tion of Williams College (1894). He was director and vice-president of the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, 1867, and was elected president in 1899; honorary corre- sponding secretary of the Evangelical alliance and chairman of the executive committee; president of the American Seamen's Friend society; a member of the American Oriental society, and of various benevolent, literary and historical or- ganizations of New York city. He is the author

of: Across Russia from the Baltic to the Danube (1891); Spanish Cities, tvith Olimpses of Gibraltar and Tangier (1892); A Spring Journey i)i Cali- fornia (1893); Beyond the Rockies (ISdi); Cruising Among the Caribbees (1895); and several sermons, pamplilets and newspaper contributions.

STODDARD, Charles Warren, author and educator, was born in Rochester. N.Y., Aug. 7, 1843; son of Samuel Burr and Harriet Abigail (Freeman) Stoddard; grandson of Aliija Warren and Delia (Wrigiit) Stoddard and of Ciiarles and

Abigail ( ) Freeman, and a descendant of

Jonathan Stoddard, who came from London to Bos-ton in 1639, and whose remains are buried in the Old Granary cemetery, Boston. His parents removed to California in 1855. and he attended the University of California, 1863-64, but did not complete the course, because of ill healtli. He was an actor, 1867, and was a special traveling correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle, 1873-78, visiting nearly all parts of the globe. He was professor of English literature in the University of Notre Dame, Ind., 1885-87, and in 1889 accepted the same chair in the Catholic Uni- versity of America. He received the degree of L.H.D. from the Catholic University of America in 1890. and that of Ph.D., from Santa Clara col- lege, Cal., 1901. He is the author of: Poems (1867): South Sea Idyls (1873); Mashallah, a Flight into Egijijt (ISSl): The Lepers of Molohai (1885): .4 Troubled Heart (1885); Lazy Letters from Low Latitudes (1894); The Wonder Woi-ker of Padua (1896); A Cruise under the Crescent from Suez to San Marco (1898): Over the Rocky Mountains to Alaska (1899); In the Footprints of the Padres (1902); Exits and Entrances and For the Pleasure of his Company (1903).

STODDARD, Elizabeth Drew (Barstow), author, was born in Mattapoisett, Mass.. May 6, 1823: daughter of Wilson Barstow. She was graduated at Weaton Female seminarj*, Mass., and was married in New York, in 1852, to Rich- ard Henry Stoddard (q.v.). Shortly after this she began writing for magazines. Slie is the author of: The Morgesons (1862); Two Men (1865); Temple House (1867); Lollie Diuk's Doings (1874); Poems (1895). She died in New York, Aug. 1, 1902.

STODDARD, Francis Hovey, author, was born at Middlebury, Vt., April 25, 1847; son of Solomon (a native of Northampton, and professor of languages at Middlebury college) and Frances Elizabeth (Greenwood) Stoddard; grandson of Solomon and Saraii (Tappan) Stoddard, and of James and Eliza (Carr) Greenwood; and a de- scendant in the sixth generation from Anthony Stoddard, who came from London, England, to Boston. Mass., in 1639, was admitted freeman in 1640. was for twenty-five years a representative