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Had he surpriz'd you first, your fate is cast,
The sooner you be gone 'twill prove the safer.
     Kin. On thee Lapyrus, and thy treacheries, fall
The heavie burthen of an old mans curse.
     Fid. Your Queene with her two Infants fled the Citty
Affrighted at this treason and new warres.
     Kin. Newes of more sadnesses than the Kingdomes losse,
She fled upon her houre, for had she stayd
Sh' had either dyed, beene banish'd, or betrayd.
I have some servants here?
     Arma. All these my Lord.
     Kin. All these? not all, you did forget, I am not worth the flattering, I am done,
Old and at set, honour the rising Sunne.
If any for love serve me, which is he?
Now let him shame the world and follow me.
     Fid. That's I my Lord.
     Amor. And I.
     Kin. What two of you?
Two follow a King when he is poore and old. Exit. cum suis.
     Sex. Farewell King. Ile play the Flounder, keepe me to my tyde.
     Lod. And so will I, this is the flowing side.
     Maz. Those men are yours, my Lord.
     Arm. We'le grace them chiefely,
Waite for imployment, place and eminence,
The like to each that to our bounty flies,
For he that falls to us shall surely rife.
His sonne Tymethes little frights our thoughts,
He's young,and given to pleasure, not to plots.
     Maz. Your grace defines him right, he may remaine,
The Prince your sonne, bindes him in a love-chaine;
There's little feare of him.
     Arm. Their loves are deare,
Base Boy, he leaves his father to live here.
     Maz. His presence sets glosse on your attempts,
They have their luster from him.
     Arm. He's their Countenance,
Twas well observ'd and follow'd, he shall stay,
