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What fate pursues the good old King my husband,
I cannot learne which is my worst affliction;
Oh trecherous Lapirus! impious Nephew!
All horrors of a guilty brest keepe with thee;
Either poore Babes, you must pine here for food,
Or have the wars drinke your immaculate blood.
Cry within follow, follow.
Oh flye, least life and honour be betrayd.Exit.

Scen. 3.

Enter Lapirus disguised.

     Lap. Villaine and fugitive, where wile thou hide
Th' abhorred burthen of thy wretched flesh?
In what disguise canst thou be safe and free,
Having betray'd thy Counttey? base Lapirus.
Earth stretch thy throate, take downe this bitter Pill,
Loathing the hateful taste of his owne ill.

Enter the Queene and two souldiers pursuing her.

     Qu. Oh help, good heaven save a poore wretch from slaughter.
     The. 1. Stop her mouth first, souldiers must have their sport.
Tis dearely earnd, they venture their blood for't.
     Lap. A Mother so enforc'd by pittilesse slaves?
Lee me redeeme my honour in her rescue.
And in this deede my former basenesse dye.
     The. 2. Come, come.
     Que. If ever woman bore you.
     Lap. Who ere bore them monsters begot them; mercilesse damn'd villaines.
     Both. Hold, hold, sir; we are souldiers, but doe not love to fight.Exeunt.
     Que. Let me disswade you from all hope of recompence
Save thankes and prayers, which are the Beggers gifts,
     Lap. You cannot give me that I have more neede of
Than prayers; for my soule hath a poore stocke;
There's a faire house within, but tis ill furnisht
There wants true teares for hangings, penitent falls,